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Theoretical frequency can be calculated by multiplying the total number of observations by the probability of the event occurring. This calculation assumes that each event has an equal chance of occurring. Mathematically, it can be represented as: Theoretical frequency = Total number of observations * Probability of event occurring.

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Q: How do you calculate theoretical frequency?
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What is theoretical frequency?

Theoretical frequency refers to the expected probability or likelihood of an event occurring based on theoretical calculations or mathematical models. It is often used in statistical analysis to predict the distribution of outcomes in a given scenario.

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How do you calculate a wave's frequency?

You can calculate a wave's frequency by dividing the speed of the wave by its wavelength. The formula is: frequency = speed of wave / wavelength.

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c=frequency x wavelength

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How do you calculate theoretical probability?

HELP ME; I Don't Know Either. It's when you♥️

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if u wereood at math it wouldnt be

How do you calculate speed when the frequency and wavelength are given?

speed=frequency x wavelenth xD

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If this wave travels at 16 cms it's wavelenght would be?

To calculate the wavelength, you can use the formula: wavelength = speed of wave / frequency. However, to calculate the wavelength, we need to know the frequency of the wave in addition to the speed. If you provide the frequency of the wave, we can calculate the wavelength.

How to get expected frequency value in chi square test?

For goodness of fit test using Chisquare test, Expected frequency = Total number of observations * theoretical probability specified or Expected frequency = Total number of observations / Number of categories if theoretical frequencies are not given. For contingency tables (test for independence) Expected frequency = (Row total * Column total) / Grand total for each cell