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Q: How do you calculate total cost of job?
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How do you calculate Total Cost without Total variable cost?

To calculate the Total Cost without Total variable cost, one should estimate for the variables or substitute for the variables with a variable such as X or Y and then solve for the approximate total cost.

How do you calculate total cost of manufacturing for job?

add the total cost of all materials used and then you would figure out how long the job would take {lets say 10 hours} and then you would multiply that by the charge per hour of labor. then you would have this equation cost of materials+(hours worked x charge per hour)=cost of job hope this helped

How calculate total period cost?

A total period cost is anything that is not prepaid. To calculate period cost, just include anything that is charged in the period incurred.

How do you calculate variable cost?

Variable cost = Total Cost/ fixed cost

How do you calculate fixed cost when you only have quantity and total cost?

Find total cost when quantity = 0.

How do you calculate fixed cost given total cost and sales volume?

Fixed cost = total cost / sale volume

How do you calculate the total cost?

Total cost are calculated by adding variable cost and fixed cost FC+VC=TC

Calculate cost of goods sold?

To calculate the cost of goods you have to substract the gross profit from total sales.

How do you calculate total time for a job?

i donnt knoww .?

How do you calculate fixed cost using total cost and quantity?


How does a firm calculate its profit?

total revenue minus total cost

How do you calculate total vaiable cost per unit?

Total Variable Cost divided by Quantity of Output