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<th onclick="checkData()">ID</th>

<th onclick="checkData()">Name</th>


<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">

function checkData()


// Your Javascript code here

alert("It Works");



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Q: How do you call javaScript function inside table?
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How do you get a window to pop up only after a video finishes using JavaScript or VBscript?

If you are playing the video in Flash you can call a javascript function at the end of the video streaming through getURL. So internally the javascript function will open the pop up window.

How do you call script code in javascript without using onclick?

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How do you call a perl program from javascript?

You can call the Script like this, &lt;script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; So you just replace a regular Javascript Call ( .js ) with the .pl Script. Inside the Perl Script you will have to use embraced Javascript Functions / Code, f.e. like print "document.write.('Hello World');";.

Can you use JavaScript within the form tag?

You can call an external javascript file or javascript code located inside the head or body tag from a form using event handlers. I am not sure if you can or cannot use javascript code inside form tags but am sure that it is not a good programming practise to put code of two different language (js &amp; html) together

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Well you get java as java and javascript as iava.

How can you call a function given its name as a string?

we have to construct a table of two field structures,where the first field is the funtion name as a string and the second field is just the function name.then search the table to get a string match in the first field and use the second field to call the function.

How can you call a flash file in JavaScript?

what you could do is make the file an HTML file and have embedded Javascript in it. i am not sure how to put a flash file into Javascript though.

Can you program something in Javascript that starts a VBScript?

Yes. Just create a VBScript function/sub in the same document, and since it would be a member of the window object, Javascript would also be able to call it, like so: &lt;script language='vbscript'&gt; sub test() alert("test") end sub &lt;/script&gt; &lt;script language='javascript'&gt; test(); &lt;/script&gt;

How does you call javascript file in css?

In your HTML add in the tags

Multiplication Table in Javascript language?

Here is an example of a multiplication table in JavaScript: // Function to generate a multiplication table function multiplicationTable(rows, columns) { // Create a for loop to iterate over the rows for (let i = 1; i &lt;= rows; i++) { // Create a for loop to iterate over the columns for (let j = 1; j &lt;= columns; j++) { // Multiply the row and column numbers and print the result let result = i * j; console.log(`${i} x ${j} = ${result}`); } } } // Call the multiplicationTable function with specified rows and columns multiplicationTable(10, 10); This code generates a multiplication table where the number of rows and columns are specified. It uses nested for loops to iterate over the rows and columns, calculates the multiplication, and prints the result for each cell in the table.

Can you define a function inside a function?

No. Functions should be defined separately. So you would not define a function within a function. You can define one function, and while defining another function, you can call the first function from its code.

How do you use promise?

To use a promise in JavaScript, you create a new promise using the Promise constructor and pass it a function with two parameters, resolve and reject. Inside this function, you define the asynchronous operation you want to perform. If the operation is successful, you call resolve with the result; if it encounters an error, you call reject. Finally, you can chain .then() and .catch() to handle the resolved value or catch any errors respectively.