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function blahblah () {

//do something



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Q: How do you call script code in javascript without using onclick?
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How do you add a click event to a java button?

we can do this using of javascript. you can use this following code: <input type=button value="button" onClick=onclick_function()> here onclick_function() is a function which is called by javascript on clicking the button. javascript code is as follows: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> // your code for onclick_function() function onclick_function(){ alert("Welcome to javascript"); } </script>

Is java script necessary for hacking?

No. There are many way of breaking into a system without using JavaScript.

How do you write a password validation using javaScript?

Although this password script would get you hacked in the blink of an eye, you could use <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function PassCheck() { var pass=12345 var check=prompt("Enter Pass",""); if (pass==check) { document.write("Correct!") } else { document.write("Incorrect!") } } </script> </head> <body> <button type="button" onclick="PassCheck()">Enter Password</button> </body> </html>

Is JavaScript programs compiled into intermediate form and linked to a HTML document?

JavaScript isn't compiled. It's an interpreted language, which means that it's translated into 'computer language' line by line when needed. You can link JavaScript to a HTML document by using the src attribute of the script tag. If you name your external javascript 'test.js', you can inject it into your HTML page by using <script type="text/javascript" src="test.js"></script>.

How do you insert HTML and JavaScript in Blogger post?

To add javascript (google ads) on blogger post you should keep a note of these pointers:1. Open Post and go to HTML view.2. Complete script should be in 1 line. Remove all line Breaks.3. If you are using some onclick or other events then your javascript should be in double 5xDeals4. If your script is too long, then you can put it somewhere on web and call it on your post.I've used all these tips while placing ads on You can check that out...Microk

How do you write a password script using JavaScript in PHP with a form?

This question is too broad, be more specific.

Insert date on a webpage using javascript?

Just use new Date(); to get the current date and then use document.getElementById to insert it on the webpage. <div id="example"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById('example') = new Date(); </script>

Does HTML code work in java script?

Yes it does. That is how client side validation of html control is possible using javascript

How do you define tab dropdown on java script?

It would be better if you do tabs with dropdown using CSS. Javascript can be easily disabled.

How to design webpage using java script?

JavaScript is not very useful in web page design, JavaScript is used more for page functionality. For web page design; look up CSS.

Why java script is not a server side programming?

It is not impossible to code on server side using javascript as there are frameworks available today which lets use of javascript on server side. But usage of this is not that high as most people prefer the normal way of using AJAX if they want javascript to interact with a server side language.

How can you include images in a webpage using HTML and Java script?

You would not need JavaScript to include an image. <img> in HTML can do the work of including.