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Q: How do you care for a patient with pulmonary aneurysm?
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What is a pulmonary aneurysm?

A pulmonary aneurysm is the bulging of the pulmonary artery, usually because of pressure caused by a clot or blockage. The aneurysm can become too large and burst, causing life threatening bleeding

What was cause of death of Robert Kowalski?

Robert Kowalski died of a pulmonary aneurysm at age 65.

What is the treatment for a ventricular aneurysm?

Most cases of ventricular aneurysm are treated by close medical follow-up and limiting patient activity.

Is respiratory lessons available for free?

A free respiratory course has been created by William French, medical educator and author of Case Profiles in Respiratory Care, Delmar Publishing. This course consists of eight pulmonary care patient cases and patient simulations.

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What is the job description of a patient care coordinator?

A patient care coordinator helps to coordinate the care of the patient between all facilities in addition to explaining everything to the patient and their family. They also review the outcome of the care to ensure the patient was treated correctly.

What does a heat-lung machine do for a patient who is having a caval-pulmonary artery anastomosis?

A heart-lung machine allows for oxygenation of the blood in a patient having a caval-pulmonary artery stenosis. Since the pulmonary circulation has to be interrupted for the surgery, the body requires an alternative mode of obtaining oxygen in the blood.

A patient has hemorrhaged one liter of blood he is diaphoretic oliguric and tachycardic physiologically what is happenning?

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What does a pulmonary function test determine?

Pulmonary function tests are a group of procedures that measure the function of the lungs, revealing problems in the way a patient breathes.

Where can I get a patient care technician lesson?

You can find information on patient care technician lessons on the following