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Once you get your teeth pulled they may bleed a little, so try using gauze by biting and pressing firmly (not to hard though, it will make the blood clot trying to form not form) Also you can rinse your mouth out with salt and warm water a couple of times. To avoid pulling out the blood clot do not - Drink soda (Drink water, and anything not carbonated), use straws (Just drink from a cup, with out slurping), and spit (Instead, let it drool out of your mouth). Don't touch the area that the tooth was pulled, or mess with it by using your tongue. I would not brush my teeth the first night, give it time to heal.
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Q: How do you care for teeth after being pulled?
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Even a few teeth being pulled can have an effect on your nasal cavity.

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yes you can, depending on the amount of teeth being pulled at one time.

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For me, they put my braces on, not putting brackets on the ones being pulled, they few months later they pulled out the 4 wisdom teeth.

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What if your dentist doesnt give you stitches after wisdom teeth being pulled?

Then you probably didn't need stitches.

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Get the teeth pulled

You got 2 teeth pulled out how do you make the adult teeth grow back it?

If it was the first teeth that was pulled the adult ones will grow up there in time. You just have to wait. If it was the adult ones that was pulled nothing will grow back. You have no more teeth in that place.

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