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You run and jump on to the helicopter, punch the pilots in the face and then have a brawl with him , break the glass and then you have completed the campaign

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Q: How do you catch up to makarov in mission mode and jump onto the helicopter in mw3?
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How do you beat the helicopter in thing thing 4?

You have to jump jump jump jump jump until your at the helicopter and then bust the rotors.

How do you beat makarov mw3?

You stay with Yuri until he gets hit with a rocket. Yuri will tell you to keep going so you go forward Follow the objective marker and vault up the broken building then when you are on the roof you see Makarov getting in a helicopter You go to the helicopter jump in and press RS ( on Xbox 360) the second it pops up on the screen and you smash the pilots head in the control consol the helicopter goes haywire it starts going down to crash then you press RS again and you stab the other pilot. When you crash the chopper into the roof press RT then LT RT LT RT LT by doing this you are moving closer to a pistol on the ground when you are about to pick up the gun Makarov kicks your hand and picks up the gun he is about to have a bullet pierce through your skull when he gets shot in the chest you look up and Yuri is there Makarov kills him and you kill Makarov

How do you defeat gretchen grimlock?

you chase her in your helicopter and once you catch up you jump on to her helicopter (watch out for the blades) then you open her fuel tank (alittle circle towards the back of the machine. once you do that jump onto Bigfoot's cage and cut him lose with the gardening shears.

Will makarov die in mw3?

yes he dies when you and yuri go in juggernaut suits to the hotel makarov is in and you have to smash your way through with a machine gun and a juggernaut suit. You get blown up by a helicopter and your suit gets wrecked. You have to go on without it and through the bar and the waiting room into the lobby. Then a predator hits the buliding and yuri gets a sharp piece of wood in his belly. You have to sprint to through the wrecked buliding onto the roof and jump onto makarovs helicopter and knock out the pilot and makarov. Then the plane gets wrecked and you and makarov crash onto the roof and you have to crawl to the gun in the middle of you two. You reach it and makarov stands on your hand and says "good bye, captain price" then yuri comes in and starts trying to shot him and fails and then makarov shots him four times and then your knock the gun out of his hands and wrap the helicoter hook around his neck and smash him through the glass. He then dies and you have a cigerete.

What do you do after you send in your application on Reality TV Island?

Jump to the top of the building furthest to the left. There will be a helicopter there and a man in a black and white business suit. Jump in the helicopter and click 'Start The Show'. The helicopter will lift into the air.

What do you do with the remote controlled helicopter in wimpy kid boardwalk?


How do you free big foot?

follow him and jump onto the helicopter

How do you get out of shipment on CoD4?

Run to the bow of the boat with your squad. jump when the jump symbol comes up and your in the helicopter and away!

How do you trick those boys in wimpy boardwalk?

Win all of the games and give the super prize to the kid with the toy helicopter by the bumper cars. Jump into the ball pit and find Fregley. His mom then thanks you for finding him and gives you leftover fish sticks. Go to the beach and put the fish sticks on the helicopter. At the shore line take out the helicopter and bait and try to catch a crab. use the crab on the helicopter to grab Greg's money.

What does jump stand for in the military in regards to a jump platoon?

a jump satnd is a tactical move where someone jumps forwards while crouching to avoid fire. a jump platoon jumps from a helicopter.

What is the airplane that hovers like a helicopter?

The Harrier, informally referred to as the Jump Jet

How do you defeat gretchen to get the big footed yeti on poptropica cryptids?

jump from ur helicopter down to hers and click on a little circle on her helicopter which releases the fuel then quickly jump on top of the yeti cage and cut the rope on it.