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Divide by 10. So as an example: 100mm divide 10 equals 10cm

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Q: How do you change millimeters to centemeters?
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What can you measure using millimeters?

you use centemeters

How many centemeters in 200 millimeters?


How many millimeters equal 5 centemeters?

5 centimeters is 50 millimeters.

How many centemeters are in 240 millimeters?

24cm = 240mm

How many millimeters are in 70 centemeters?

70 millimeters=0.07 meters

How many centimeters are equal to 35 millimeters?

theres 10 millimeters to one centimeter so the answer is 3.5 centemeters to 35 millimeters

9 centemeters equal how many millimeters?

90mm there are 10mm in a centimeter

How many centemeters are in a millimeter?

One centimeter has 10 millimeters so depending on how many centimeters you have you mulpiply it by ten to get millimeters. Example: 6 centimeters= 60 millimeters because 6x10=60.

How many millimeters in one centemeters?

By unit of length and distance and conversion ,we can say that 1 cm=10 mm

How many millimeters equal a centameter?

.1 centemeters to 1 millimeter 1 centimeter to 10 millimeters

One hundred centemeters is how many millimeters?

1000 mm 1 cm = 10 mm 1 mm = 0.1 cm

How many centemeters in 36 millimeters?

A centimetre contains 10 millimetres. mm to cm, you have to divide by 10. 36/10 is 3.6 centimetres.