

How do you change nanos in fusion falls?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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You get your Nanos in Fusion Fall by going to a Nano station.

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Q: How do you change nanos in fusion falls?
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How do you change to different nanos in fusion fall?

you go to a nano chaging station to change your nanos

Where are all the Fusion Fall nanos?

The nanos are usually recived from defeating that character's fusion form. wrong there in a fusion liar in an infected zone

How do you get nanos in fusion fall?

no its you have to get anouth fusion matter to get a naano boss

What does Fusion matter do in fusion falls?

the more fusion matter you get the closer you are to getting a can see how much more matter you need to get for the next nano by clicking on mystuff then clicking on nanos then clicking on the nano that is grey and it will tell you how much matter you need

How can you change your nanos in fusion fall?

Go to a nano station (a blue station with a blue light ball over it) you can find them everywhere, approximately

When did new fusion fall nanos come out?

On February 20, 2011.

How do you beat the game Fusion Fall?

get all nanos and beat fuse

Get pass level 12 fusion fall?

You need to complete basicly the quest given to you and get 12 nanos.

When will fusion fall be free in 2010?

Yes! Feb 20 man 36 nanos hah hahah

Will Naruto ir anybody from Narutos show be a nano in fusion fall?

no way iv gone on fusion fall and all the nanos r from cartoon network

Who are the free nanos in fusion fall?

its 1 buttercup 2 numbuh five and 3 eddy and 4 eduaro

How do you get nanos from fusion fall?

you can but do not hack this game you will mission and look at your map it is red for more of those readings think you who ever wrote this is an idiot. you get enough fusion matter and you get automatically nano mission and you defeat the fusion who's hidden somewhere in an infected zone