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Give this to Tomoko!

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Q: How do you change this sentence to interrogative Give this to Tomoko?
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Can you gave me an example of interrogative sentence?

yeah I can, your question is one.. all questions are.. "Can you give me an example of an interrogative sentence?" you're welcome

Can you give me a hug imperative or interrogative sentence?

I dont know

When will you get to the top is that a declarative interrogative imperative or exclamatory?

Well, this sentence is an interrogative sentence. When a sentence is a question, it is an interrogative sentence. Imperative sentences give commands or requests, declarative sentences declare things like: I went to the park today. Exclamatory sentences are said with feeling.

How can you write an interrogative sentence using the word share?

give me that phone now

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My father didn't give my allowance for this week.

What interrogative that refers to persons is often the subject in a question?

The interrogative pronouns are usually the subject of a question (interrogative) sentence. The interrogative pronouns that refer to a person or persons are: who, whom, which, and whose. Examples: Who made this lovely cake? To whom should I give my completed application? Which sister did you invite to the prom? Whose car did you borrow?

Give me an interrogative sentence using the word quest?

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'Change is permanent.'