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Q: How do you check Chihuahuas heart rate?
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Why do you need to check your heart rate before you run?

To establish your "resting" heart rate.

How do you work out heart rate?

You check your pulse.

How do you check neonatal heart rate and respiration rate at same time?

I would check the heart and respiration rates separately to make sure you are accurate. Especially dealing with babies. Use a stethoscope to check the heart rate and just count the time their chest rises and falls for respiration rate.

What is a dangerous heart rate for a resting 3 year?

If the child has a high heart rate then check for white parkinsons wolf syndrome

Who can tell me tools than can view heart rate chart?

Most treadmills have a heart rate monitor on them. Try running on a treadmill at your nearest gym. Or you can check your pulse before exercise, then check it after.

What are the nursing considerations before administering enalapril?

Check heart rate

About Chihuahuas hearts when it is enlarged and the dog is taking heart medications for the heart what are the symptoms of heart failure at death?

fk we Asian

Is it bad that your heart beats on average at 109 per minute?

if that's your resting heart rate, then it's bad. If it's a working heart rate it's probably OK

Why do the nurse has to to check these vitals signs before giving digoxion?

Checking vital signs before administering digoxin is important because digoxin affects the heart, specifically slowing the heart rate and increasing the strength of each heartbeat. Monitoring vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure, and rhythm helps ensure the patient can tolerate the medication safely and effectively. Any abnormalities in vital signs may indicate a need to adjust the medication dosage or seek further medical attention.

Must check apical pulse before administering what medication?

If the heart rate is slow (below 60 bmp) and if digoxin is given, it can reduce the heart rate to dangerous levels.

Why do you take an apical pulse for people on digoxin?

You need to accurately check the heart rate. Digoxin can lower the heart rate to dangerous levels. You should not administer digoxin when pulse rate is already below 60.

Is 180 bpm a high rate at 36 weeks gestation?

The heart rate is fast. Check mothers temp. she may have a fever . Or have the baby check , it may be a sign of distress.