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Figure out whether you want a light or dark color and then go on from there with different shades of colors.

Get a consultation from a color specialist. They can match your skin tone and brighten your looks. If you are just playing, the burgundy and really light colors are fun, but no one thinks they are real.

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Q: How do you choose a good hair color for yourself?
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Related questions

Where can one find suggestions on what hair color to choose?

One can find suggestions on what hair color to choose on several different online websites. Some of these include: Celebrity Beauty Tip Goldmine, Hair Boutique, Good Housekeeping, and Marie Claire.

What is a good colour to dye your hair?

The color of your hair depends on yourself or your skin color. You can dye your hair to the color you like.

Have dark golden hair would like to make it light golden hair what color should you use?

if your dark golden hair is colored you will have to use bleach to lighten it. color doesn't lift color. if not, choose the shade of color you would like and just put it on your hair. good luck!

How can I ensure that I choose the correct hair color to get my hair back to the color that it naturally was?

Engage the services of a skilled hair colorist who can determine your natural hair color and then adjust your current color. As your natural color grows out, the line between the color and your natural hair won't be as noticeable.

How do you know what color your hair is?

The best way to know what color your hair is, is to look at it. If your hair has been colored, you can look at pictures of yourself before your hair was dyed.

Can you tone your hair if you haven't bleached it?

Yes, you can tone your hair (regardless of whether it has been bleached or not) using a demi-permanent color mixed with 10 volume developer (You can find these things at Sally's or any other beauty supply store). If your hair is too brassy, or orangey, use an ash based color. If your color is too ashy, use a warmer color. If you plan on doing this yourself, visit a beauty supply store and the employees will definitely be able to help you choose the correct color! Good luck!

How do you change hair color to silver in photoshop?

select the hair, in the foreground color box choose the color desired, under edit menu choose fill. In the fill box choose fill with color in the drop down menu set opacity at 100%, then OK. You may have to tweak your color selection to get exactly what you desire

Does Nat Wolff like brunettes?

He will choose any type of hair color.

What color dress would look good with red hair?

green is always good with red hair

What color highlights will look good with natural red hair?

green hair

Can your hair color change as you age?

Yes, your hair can change color as you age. Some people's hair turns from blond to brown, some brown to white or grey. As you grow older you yourself will mostlikely notice a change in your hair. == == == ==

Do you need a license to color hair?

If your in a business yes, i think you do. But if its just for a friend or yourself, then no.