

How do you choose a realm on wow?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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When you log in to WoW, you have your character list. Look at the very top of it and there is a little button saying "Change Realm", click on that and it will bring up the list of all the realms. Click on a realm you would like to choose and click the button in the lower right-hand corner saying "Join Realm". Enjoy playing WoW!

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A World of Warcraft player can discover the WoW status of his realm by visiting the home page of his realm. You could also ask others on the World of Warcraft Forum.

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In WOW (world ofwarcraft) there are different realms that you can select to play on. You can have a total of 10 players on each realm and a total of 50 characters across all realms. There are different types of realms too. There is a PVP realm (player vs player). There is a RP realm (role-play). There is a NORMAL realm (no special rules). There is a PVPRP realm (Player vs player / role-play).

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Well, a realm is like a server so you can only see your friends if your on the same realm as them. I myself play WoW but not on Vesta and I'm not sure if it exists.

What relam name is Dethecus wow server?

The realm name for the Dethecus server, is Dethecus.

What is Molten WoW?

I have been playing there for the past few days, there are constantly 4000+ people in each realm and there are always raids like real Wow.

Do you have to have a 55 on every realm you want to make a deathknight in wow?

No, this is not required. Once you have a level 55 character on any single realm on your account, you will be able to make a Death Knight on any other realm on that account.

What does Hermes realm?

Click link below, then choose 'Hermes' from menu! You realise that 'realm' does not refer to a kingdom, but to his responsibilities.

Can someone give you 200g for wow your name is flopper and realm is darkspear?

They can. Unless you have something to sell them they won't.

How do you use the realm list in World of Warcraft?

if you are trying to play on a private server just know that it is actually illegal. but i'l tell you anyway, first you right click your wow icon on your desktop, choose properties, find target, then (you have to right click on the realm list icon and change it so it opens with notepad) change the realm list to the 1 specified to the server you want to use, close it down and save. and there u have it.