

How do you clean a saddle?

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11y ago

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(leather saddle)

Step 1:

Get some warm water in a bucket, wipe down the saddle with a damp cloth/sponge, to rid of any access dirt, mud or dust and then

Step 2:

use some leather (saddle) soap, and use your cloth/sponge and scrub the saddle in a circular motion until you have created a light lather, then once the entire saddle has been covered in a lather, you then wipe it down with a clean clothe/sponge with fresh warm water.

Step 3:

Using a dry towel/cloth, apply a generous amount of leather (saddle) conditioner to the surface of the saddle, and apply once again, with a circular motion. Since this is more of a cream rather than a soap, do not expect a lather, the saddle will simply absorb the conditioner. If your saddle is old or hard, apply two coverings of conditioner.

Conditioner allows the leather to soften and become more supple, just like using shampoo and conditioner for your hair, it leaves it feeling softer, healthier and smoother.

(Synthetic saddle)

Step 1:

Get some warm water in a bucket, wipe down the saddle with the damp cloth/sponge, to rid of any access dirt, mud or dust and then use synthetic saddle cleaner.

The synthetic saddle cleaner i use for my synthetic saddle is in a spray bottle, but i am sure there are many more on the market.

Step 2:

All I have to do after following the first step, then spray the saddle cleaner on to the surface of the saddle, use a cloth/sponge and scrub the cleaner with in a circular motion until you have created a light lather, then once the entire saddle has been covered in a lather and scrubbed, you then wipe it down with clean cloth/sponge with fresh warm water.

I always dry my saddles after cleaning them, so that they don't absorb to much water, especially my leather saddle, as absorption of too much water allows it to swell.

I hope this has helped :)

Good luck!

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No, no, no, no, no! An honest mistake, but I cannot stress enough that you should not use Windex on your saddle. I would suggest saddle soap and oil, which you can buy at your local saddlery.

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Well Actually there is one way, but it can be very harmful to your saddle. But to a saddle shrink one way would be to clean,and oil your saddle first and then put it out into the sunlight to can be very harmful to your saddle by making it brittle and crack and oil will not fix that and it will loose coloration towards the whole saddle.

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Some common ingredients found within saddle soap include a mild soap, glycerin, lanolin, and neatsfoot oil. Beeswax is also included in saddle soap to protect the leather from deteriorating.

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Get leather cleaner, then take a damp cloth, a dap of the leather cleaner and massage all over saddle until it disappears. Then, wait until it dries. You could try buffing your saddle with a soft towel, also.

Ways to clean a saddle?

The best old fashioned way to clean a saddle is to wet down a wash cloth or clean rag and wash off all the dirt and grime. Once the leather is dry, the go over the saddle with a product like Murphy's oil soap to get all the ground-in debris. Once you have the saddle all cleaned, it's important to oil the leather again so that it will repel water and be flexible. Neatsfoot oil is the tried and true oil of experience. A couple of applications of oil will keep the leather supple and strong for many, many years. As for the bottom or underside of the saddle, a good stiff brushing will get most of what occurs there. If that doesn't work, you may have to wet it, but if you do, make sure you dry it thoroughly also. DO NOT immerse a saddle if you don't know what the saddle tree is made of. You might warp or split the saddle tree if it is made of wood.

Why should I put a saddle cover on my saddle?

A saddle cover is used to keep a saddle clean and undamaged. After cleaning a saddle it's a good idea to put a cover on it once it's dry to prevent dust or dirt from settling on it. Also if you are in a crowded tack room or travel a lot, a saddle cover will help to prevent small scratches and dings.

How do you wash a English saddle pad?

This is what i do: #1- I take a cloth, wet it and take off all the loose dirt on the saddle. # 2- I take some Liquid Glycerine saddle soap (Leather new) and spray it on the saddle then scrub it into the saddle (Whatever you do, Don't let it run) #3- Once your finishes that clean the cloth in warm water then squeeze the water out and effortlessly wipe the surface of the saddle. #4- Use a different cloth and i either recommend Leather CPR Or Effax Leather balsam and scrub into the saddle. #5- Check your saddle for Non treated scuffs and scratches, if there is 1 you didn't do it properly.