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Since an enamel bath tub may scratch, it's best to use gentle cleaning methods. To remove limescale and many types of other stains and deposits, soak the affected areas with vinegar, then wipe off with a sponge. Hydrogen peroxide will also help many kinds of stains.

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Q: How do you clean enamel bath which has limescale and general staining?
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How do you remove limescale from enamel bath?

You can't go wrong with Mr.Clean magic erasers. They are they greatest cleaning invention ever. They clean everything from crayon and permanent marker to soap scum and hard water stains. They are a little spendy about $ 1.50 a piece but well worth it!

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Water Based Latex Enamel is now available. Easy clean up.

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soak in cold water.

Does coke clean toilets?

yes, because of the acid, it gets rid of hard water (Limescale) and gets all those brown bits off

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Plaque forms around the gum line & is not easily removed by brushing alone & becomes harder over time damaging the tooth enamel allowing bacteria to enter the tooth & cause decay. A professional clean is also far more effective at removing tartar and staining, making your mouth look and feel fresh, clean and healthy.

Will coke clean your teeth?

yes it will... but! it destroys your enamel. so in the long run, it damages your teeth.

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Warm soapy water (dish soap works) and a soft cloth.

Does caustic soda clean toilets?

Yes, caustic soda does clean toilets and also removes limescale. However, you must be very careful when using it and make sure that it does not get on your skin. You must also make sure that you do not mix it with any other chemicals or cleaning agents.

How do you clean a enamel coated cast iron pan?

Warm soapy water and a soft, non-abrasive scrubber (softer than the glass/enamel the pan is coated with). Soak it if you need to. Absolutely don't use steel wool.

Do the latest glass top ranges still have problems with staining?

Only with sugary things if you don't clean them up right away.