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Q: How do you clean wood furniture that has become sticky due to high humidity?
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Depending on the type of furniture the cleaning difficulty and range from medium to hard. If the furniture is laminated wood it will be fairly easy to keep clean. But is the furniture is stained it will be a lot more difficult to clean and maintain.

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What is the impact of not finishing wood furniture?

If you don't protect the wood, it will be more susceptable to staining, be hard to clean and more likely to change with humidity changes, making it more likely to crack and split. It will also dent and scratch easier.

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How do you keep your furniture in place?

I assume the furniture is on bare floor instead of carpet. If so, then the regular funiture coasters possibly won't help. You can try cutting small pieces of carpet remnants to fit the furniture legs, and put under the legs. If that does't help, you can then use carpet tape (it's sticky on both sides). Put some of the tape on the bottom of the carpet piece you already cut, then put a piece of the tape on the bottom of the furniture leg. Do this with each leg on the piece of furniture, and it will stay in place. When you need to move the furniture to a new place, (ex; rearranging the furniture), the 'sticky' from the tape is easly to clean up. Just be sure that the piece of tape that you put on the furniture leg is cut small enough so that it won't be visible. Hope this helps, if not let me know and I will find another way for you. I have a whold bunch of tricks for things like this.

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