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you chew on it with your teeth until it falls off. i no it sounds weird but pro animal caretakers do it or if you have dogs it is just the same way. Get some clippers that you use for yourself (or buy special pet ones) and clip their nails. Just be careful. When you clip your own nails don't you try to clip the white part and avoid the pink? well, same with dogs, guinea pigs, and animals in that nature. so, be careful to not cut the pink or anywhere near that. You have most likely had experience with cutting your nails too short and you know it either hurts or bugs you and it takes awhile to heal. so, be careful.

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3mo ago

To clip a guinea pig's nails, gently hold the guinea pig in your lap and use small animal nail clippers to trim the tips of the nails, being careful not to cut into the quick (the pink part inside the nail). If you're unsure, it's best to have a veterinarian show you how to do it properly. Reward your guinea pig with treats and praise to make the experience more positive.

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Q: How do you clip a guinea pigs nails?
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Are you supposed to clip a guinea pigs nails every year?

yep. Usually once or twice a month or so. If you don't, their nails become either to long or they curl under and then the guinea pig wont be able to walk well, and it will be EXTREMELY painful. you can either go to a vet, or learn how to do it from a pro. I do my own guinea-pig's nails. it can be very difficult at times, especially if they have black nails. You will need to buy a special light to see where the blood line is if you want to clip those nails. Hope i helped!

Should your guneia pigs toenails bleed?

NOOO, if your guinea Pigs toenails are bleeding when you cut them DON'T cut it as short as you are at the moment. You should not clip the pinkish part of the nail. OR you can take a nail filer for human nails and just scratch off a bit of nail with it.

How do you know when you should cut your guinea pig's nails?

You should cut your guinea pig's nails when you notice them getting too long or curling. Overgrown nails can cause discomfort and potential injury to your guinea pig. Regular nail checks and trims are recommended to keep their nails at a healthy length.

Are guinea pigs afraid of heights?

Guinea Pigs are not good climbers! So if they climbed they would barely get anywhere! Be carful tho because my guinea pig clims up to my shoulders and his nails are reeli sharp!

Can bunnies get sick yes or no?

Probably not because at the pet store I go to to get my Guinea pig's nails trimmed they have rabbits and guinea pigs in the same cage.

Related questions

What do you use to clip a guinea pigs nails?

a nail clipper

Do guinea pigs have to get their nails clipped?

Yes. If you do not clip the nails, they will grow too long and eventually break on something, and injure the guinea pig.

How can you cut your guinea pigs nails if when you try she squeals?

You hold it tight and clip them carefully. If you cut the nail too far in it will hurt her. Clip the end of the nail.

Can ten year old kids cut or clip guinea pigs nails themselves?

Yes...if they r very careful. u should go over basic info with the child such as to b careful do not hurt the guinea pig or themselves, and such. if u r still a little anxious about it, u mine as well have a vet or groomer clip the guinea pigs nails. Hope this helps!

How long are guinea pigs nails?

about a cen.long

When do you cut your guinea pigs claws?

You should cut your guinea pigs nails once every month.

Are you supposed to clip a guinea pigs nails every year?

yep. Usually once or twice a month or so. If you don't, their nails become either to long or they curl under and then the guinea pig wont be able to walk well, and it will be EXTREMELY painful. you can either go to a vet, or learn how to do it from a pro. I do my own guinea-pig's nails. it can be very difficult at times, especially if they have black nails. You will need to buy a special light to see where the blood line is if you want to clip those nails. Hope i helped!

Why does your guinea pit bite his hands?

A guinea pig does not bite it owns hands. Like other animals it cleans itself. You can see this in healthy guinea pigs. Young guinea pigs, who has been taken from their mother too soon, does not always learn how to clean themselves. Overweight guinea pigs can have a problem doing it, as well as those with very long nails. Some guinea pigs also keep their nails short white cleansing, by biting their nails.

How short do guinea pigs nails need to be?

You can do 1 of 2 things : You can take it to the vet and have them clip it. It might be better to have them show you the first time so you can do it yourself later. The other thing is that you can clip it yourself with nail clippers purchased in a grooming kit at the pet store.

Can you clip guinea pigs nail?

Yes, and its important. Use baby size clippers. Clipping their names will prevent the piggie from getting curled nails which can be snagged or become infected.

Can a guinea pig nail rot?

Yes so make sure your guinea pigs get their nails clipped regularly, and when the guinea pig's nails start to curve put the run on concrete so they can scratch away and ware their nails down. Bent nails can be painful so keep an eye out as it makes it easier for guinea pigs to dig out of the run.

Can petco cut your guinea pigs nails?

No! Have you seen what they do to guinea pigs? They keep them in such small GLASS CAGES! that proves PETCO cannot do anything good for your guinea pig. Not to be harsh, but you need to buy nail clippers from petco and cut them yourself. And NEVER, EVER let PETCO cut your guinea pigs nails.