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Guinea pigs are rodents and being so, their teeth are continually growing. Because of this fact it is important to provide some type of chewing block for your guinea pig at all times (these can be purchased at pet stores, be careful not to use just any piece of wood from your garden because some types might be poisonous or have pesticide residue on them). If your guinea pig has not been provided adequate means for wearing down their teeth, and they have grown too long, you can carefully file them down with a metal file.

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you don't just put a bit of wood in the cage and let them chew on it

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Q: How do you clip guinea pig teeth?
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How many teeth do a guinea pig have?

guinea pigs have 24 teeth

What does it when your guinea pig cleats it teeth?

It means that the guinea pig wants to go back In its cage if not that then the guinea pig is cooled

What do you do if your guinea pigs teeth are to long?

Take it to the guinea pig dentist

How will guinea pigs eat when they lost their top teeth?

If a guinea pig losses it's front teeth it could chew with their back teeth.

How big do guinea pigs teeth get?

Guinea pig's teeth continuously grow but you can give them small logs or hay for then to graze them on.

What happens if a guinea pigs tooth chips off?

If your guinea pig's tooth chips off,don't worry. Guinea pig's teeth are constantly growing, so your guinea pig's tooth will grow back.

How many teeth do ginnypigs have?

Guinea Pig has appox. 20 teeth. Hope this helps :)

What if you hear a female guinea pigs teeth chatter?

A guinea pig will chatter its teeth if it is agitated or upset. The guinea pig is often showing that it is angry and this sound serves as a warning to keep your distance.

What should you do if a guinea pig's teeth grow too big?

If your guinea pig's teeth grow too big you can take them to the vet or you can give them hard food and toys to chew on.

What does it mean when a guinea pig chews if it's not eating?

Guinea pigs that don't eat could indicate a problem with their teeth. A guinea pig's teeth constantly grow throughout their entire lives and if they do not have access to hard foods to nibble on their teeth will overgrow. It is easy to check the front teeth (the incisors). A guinea pig with over grown teeth will need to be taken to a rodent friendly vet or rodentologist that can trim the teeth without using anesthetic. Guinea pigs have no nerve endings in their teeth so having them trimmed doesn't hurt them. The Guinea Pig Care 4 Kids program has everything a child (and adult) will ever need to know about caring for their guinea pig.

Is it ok if a guinea pig eats normal fabric?

Not if a guinea-pig eats it, as you have put in the question. It's okay if a guinea-pig chews a piece of fabric, because it will grind their teeth down, which is a good thing.

What does a Guinea pig look like at birth?

Guinea pigs are born with fur, eyes open and teeth.