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Its mostly people who own show and dressage horses that dye there mane and tails. Usually so the horse looks more professional in a way.

You first need to look into getting a "Color Me Perfect ", mane and tail smock made by Royal Bloodline Color .

this will ensure that you stay with in the guidelines of the USEF ( United States Equestrian Federation) . The USEF clearly states that you can not change the color or markings of a horse with the exception of the mane and tail. With that said you can not risk the chance of getting the color on the body of your horse. Second i would contact Royal Bloodline Color , as we are the only one in the horse industry with a color line made just for a horses mane and tail .

Make sure that you start with washing your horse to remove excess dirt . Let the horse dry or use a blow dryer ( only if they are used to that ). I would then put the smock for the mane onto the horses and secure it with the ties . make sure that you have some sort of step stool so that to insure you are able to see what you are doing . Next , mix your color ( Royal Bloodline Color) like the directions say on the box. you will want to make sure that your horse is secured by some sort of a lead rope . Horses usually love to be groomed and will stand with ease while you pamper them .

while the mane is processing , i would move on to the tail . Again , i would suggest the tail smock of the "Color Me Perfect " to use while the process is being done . Make sure you secure the tail smock . Mix the color as directed and apply a even amount of color to the tail . I would also suggest using a large comb to run through the tail to insure the even application of color. When you are finished with the tail application , rinse the color from the mane ( keeping the color me perfect on ) , Shampoo , rinse and then follow with a conditioner .

once you are done with that process you will be ready to rinse the tail . Leave the "color me perfect " smock on also during this time to insure that you do not get color onto the body of your horse . Shampoo into a good lather , rinse and follow with conditioner . At this time it would be safe to remove the " Color Me Perfect " smocks and rinse one more time the mane and tail . Let dry and watch just how beautiful ,shinny and soft your horsewill look !

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