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Q: How do you combine reality and fiction together?
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Is reality stranger than fiction?

It depends on what your reality is like.

What is history a fiction or reality?

History is reality of past events.

Is engineered antonym of reality?

Fiction is.

Are zombies fiction or non fiction?

Zombies are fiction; they don't exist. Fiction is fantasy, or not factual. Non-fiction is factual or reality.

How are fiction and non-fiction the same?

Fiction is based on imagination - not real.Nonfiction is based on reality - fact...they're not the same.

What is an Antonym of the word reality?

The antonym (opposite) of the word fantasy would be reality, or truth.

How do elements combine together?

Two elements combine together by sharing electrons to form a bond.

Is da vinci code based on reality or its just a fiction?

According to the writer Dan Brown it is fiction...

Combine what does it mean?

When you combine two things you are adding them together.

Can you combine two people into one person?

No, Dr. Frankenstein is fiction.

What is formed when you combine atoms together?

atoms combine to give molecules

Which words mean the same as Combine?

Combine means to put together.