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  • You are either very sure of the other person's feelings toward you because they have told you or you are guessing at how they are feeling. If you both feel the same then you would both love each other and not be separated from each other even if there are many miles between the two of you. It is better to have better communication skills together to see if you can make the relationship you have work if you both feel the same than walk away if there are a few bumps in the road of love.
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Q: How do you completely get over someone you love when they feel the same way too?
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What do you do if someone you love loves someone else?

Get over that person or tell it how you feel.

How do you get completely over someone you've loved for a year and they've lost that same love?

It takes time to get over someone you love. The best to do that is do something that keeps you busy. Try looking for someone else.

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You stay and be supportive to that person. Think about him or her instead of yourself.

How do you completely get over someone you love?

The sad truth is that if it really was love, then you will never completely get over them. You will always love them, they will always have a place in your heart. but you can do things to ease the pain. cut all contact, remove all the things that connect to him/her out of your life, avoid him/her. Get out and keep yourself occupied... eventually if you try hard enough you can get to a point where it no longer hurts.If it is someone who you really loved I don't think that you really ever get over them completely.

How do you completely get over someone you love when they do not feel the same wa?

This is the question of decades. Its hard but it can be done. If this person does not feel the same, it can cause heartache. Think about the dynamic of what you share with this person, be realistic with yourself and look at it really was. You can learn to accept that they do not feel the same way and find someone who will or you can move on, let them go and recognize the boundaries of what your heart can bear.

How do you completely get over someone you love when they do not feel the same way and fall in love with someone else?

Love can hurt especially when you love someone that doesn't love you back, but it often happens to people at least once in their lives. Losing someone to a break up is much the same as grieving for someone who has passed away because you are left with good memories, but the person is no longer there. Time is the healer and everyone is different as to when they can heal over the break up and get on with their lives. You would be wise to start getting out with friends and try to have fun so you open yourself up to meeting that right someone that should be in your life.

How do you get completely over someone you love when they don't feel the same way?

Its hard having feelings for someone who doesn't feel the same way. Surround yourself with positive activities and people who make you happy. In time things will feel better. You have to ask yourself "are they good enough for me" and" do I really love him or do I just think I do?" and lastly "does he act like he loves me?". If that does not work then write Dow your feelings and put them in a safe place. Lastly if that does not work then express your feelings to someone you trust or to him.

How would you know when you love someone?

It's not something you can go around asking a website. You have a feeling inside of you that says, "I cannot live without this person." You will know when you are in love. Also, once you really love someone, you never completely get over them.

How do you leave someone who is in love with you when you do not feel the same way?

It's good person that would feel badly when they know they do not love the person they are with. Honesty is the best way to go and if you are not in love with someone else then be kind and tell your mate that you have fallen out of love through no fault of their own and you want to take time out for yourself. People do get over lost love.

How do you get over someone you love when that person does not feel the same?

If it is true love. You will let the other "someone" make choices you may not agree with. True love is wishing the best for the other, regardless of your feelings. As for you, time heals all wounds.

How do you get completely over someone you love and have kids with?

I dont think u can to be honest just take it day by day .Try and injoy life for what it is not for what it was.

How do you get over someone you love that wants to me Single.?

Well it's will be hard trust me I KNOW but you just got belive and hope that someday that person will understand how they feel about you and how you feel about them.