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Q: How do you control distractions while driving?
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What are the most common distractions when driving?

texting on the phone while driving

What are the most common distractions while driving?

Your wife

Drinking anything like soda while driving illegal?

No, it is not illegal to drink soda while driving. However, it is generally recommended to avoid distractions while driving, so it is best to minimize any potential distractions, including eating or drinking.

What are some teen driving distractions?

There are several distractions that affect teen driving, however a major problem today is texting while driving. Texting while driving is the cause of many fatalities every year, especially amongst teen drivers. Protect your teen and help raise awareness of distracted driving. DCH Auto Group has a Teen Safe Driving Foundation dedicated to raising awareness about teen safe driving.

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Of which automotive system does the driver have the most direct control while driving?

What are some ways of avoiding accidents while driving?

Put the phone away. Don't drive with any distractions, i.e., eating food.

When driving resist distractions such as?

When driving, resist distractions such as using your phone, eating or drinking, adjusting the radio or GPS, and engaging in intense conversations with passengers. Staying focused on the road and your surroundings is crucial for safe driving.

How do you become top of your class with so much distractions in life?

life is full with distractions. When you grow up, there will be even more distractions. Control your self.

What is critical in safe driving?

Critical elements in safe driving include staying focused on the road, following traffic laws and speed limits, avoiding distractions such as texting or eating while driving, and practicing defensive driving by anticipating the actions of other drivers.

One way to control distractions is to?

Inventory the ones you can control.

Can marijuana make you loose control while driving?

while being high, can marijuana make you loose control?

What are the duties and responsibilities of a car driver?

Every driver on the road has responsibilities of paying attention of hazards that may occur. Drivers should also have the duty of driving safe and not having distractions while driving.