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You can't, best to get a few condoms.

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Q: How do you control the flow of sperm during long time of sex for long time?
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How can stop sperm flow for long time?

Semen is produced constantly in the testicles and stored in the epididymis, so it's not physically possible to permanently stop sperm production or flow. However, vasectomy is a permanent contraceptive option that involves cutting or blocking the vas deferens, the tubes that carry sperm from the testicles. This prevents sperm from mixing with semen during ejaculation, effectively acting as a long-term solution to prevent sperm from exiting the body. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider to discuss the procedure and its implications.

Current will flow as long as the power supply is good and there's a power-control device true or false?

Current will flow as long as there is a difference of potential (a voltage) and a path for current to flow. So no power-control device is required for current flow but yes it will flow with a power control decive.

How long can sperm live in the woman's body while shes on birth control?

Birth control doesn't affect the sperm's life span. They can live about five days.

How can you stop sperm releasing automatically during sleep?

you lost your sperm during sleep ven u had a nasty dream you lost it 9 to 12 times in a month hw u can control dis becaus of dis u cant able to do sex a long time.u will lost ur energy

How do you control sperm for long time during sex?

One exercise you can do is while you are urinating stop and hold it for at least three seconds do it 4 times and work yourself up eventually you will have control of your muscles. this is sort of like a kegel exericise.

How long does sperm live when on birth control?

It depends on what birth control method you're referring to. If using hormonal birth control this stops fertile cervical mucus being produced, thus the sperm will not survive for long within the acidic environment of the vagina - a few hours to a few days at most. Obviously if you were using spermicide the sperm wouldn't survive more than around 30 minutes to an hour.

Does sperm die as soon as its in chlorine?

Yes, sperm doesn't last long even during intercourse. So in Chlorine it dies instantly.

How long does a sperm have to get where it supposed to be by mouth?

First of all your question is one that would have been answered in sex ed during school. If you swallow sperm it does not go anywhere but your belly. so as quick as food and drink get to your belly is how long it takes for sperm to get to your belly. You can not ever get pregnant by swallowing sperm either.

How long does sperm live when it?

How long does male sperm live

How do you prevent your urine flowing backwards when you pee?

You can use your muscles to control the flow. Make sure you don't wait to long to go to the bathroom and you will find it is easier to control.

How long can sperm live in a womens body?

how long can sperm live in a women's body

How long does meth stay in sperm?

How long does meth stay in your sperm if your trying to have a baby