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Q: How do you control the jerk of electric motor while changing the direction of rotation?
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You can control sound wave direction, by changing the direction and pressure of air.

Which is the ability to maintain control while changing direction?

Agility-The ability to maintain control while changing direction

What does the control module do on an electric scooter?

Controls the application of voltage to the motor to control speed and direction of the motor. If there is a built in charger it would also control the charging process.

Do you know what equipment is required to control the speed of motor shaft rotation angle of motor shaft and reverse the direction of motor shaft?

Variable Frequency Drive

What control on a car can cause a change in velocity at constant speed?

The steering wheel can change the car's direction of motion, without changing speed.

What is the purpose of a motor controller?

A motor controller is a device that controls an electric motor. Most motor controllers require a manual and automatic function, forward and reverse rotation, and speed control.

What is MS ring complex?

A protein complex found within the cytoplasmic membrane of flagella-containing bacteria. It contains switch proteins, which control the direction of rotation, and motor proteins, which are driven by a proton gradient. The MS ring complex brings about the rotation of the flagella to generate thrust.

In which direction does Jupiter rotate north to south south to north west to east east to west?

It depends on the longitude and it is not a solid planet [its made of gas] so the clouds pretty much control the rotation

Where are the gears in the solar car?

There may not be any gears on an electric car. If you are asking about the control for direction like the gear shift on a normal car the is usually a switch on the dash.

If you increase or decrease the frequency what effect on electrical machin?

If you're talking about an electric motor, increasing the frequency will increase the speed of rotation of the motor, and decreasing the frequency will decrease the speed of rotation of the motor. The other way of controlling a motor is to control the current; increasing the current increases speed, decreasing current decreases speed.

How is crop rotation important to farmers?

it helps control pests and diseases

How are hot air balloons steered?

Hot air balloons are steered by changing altitude. The air currents are often going different directions at different altitudes, and by changing altitude you can get into an air current going the direction that you want to go. This isn't complete control like the steering on a car or airplane, you are still limited to the directions that the wind is going, but you have some control.