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Q: How do you convert from a 7 point scale to 10 point?
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How do you convert a 7 point likert to a 10 point likert?

The correct formula is: 1.5 x (N-1) +1 where N is the score on a 7 point scale.

How do you convert a 10 point likert to a 7 point Likert?

The correct formula is: 1.5 x (N-1) +1 where N is the score on a 7 point scale.

Which is better 7-point grading scale or a 10-point grading scale?

It depends but its a lot easier to get high grades (A's and B's) on a ten point grading scale.

How do you convert a 5 point likert to a 10 point likert?

You can readily convert data from a 5-point scale to a 10-point equivalent. The process is basically to anchor the end points of the scale you want to convert to the 10-point. So 1 stays as 1, 5 becomes 10. The points in between are converted like this: 2 becomes 3.25; 3 becomes 5.5; 4 becomes 7.75. Note that this assumes the data are "equal interval" (e.g. the distance between 1 and 2 is the same as between 2 and 3 on the scale). Many researchers are leery of this assumption but the leading texts on marketing research assume equal interval data for Likert-based data. A recent study in the International Journal of Market Research reported on an experiment where three groups of respondents gave answers on either a 5-point, 7-point or 10-point scale. After this re-scaling procedure, the three scales gave almost identical results. The study reference is: Dawes, John "Do Data Characteristics Change according to the Number of Scale Points Used ? An experiment using 5-point, 7-point and 10-point scales". International Journal of Market Research, Vol 50, 1, 2008.

How do you convert inches to miles on a map scale to a unit rate when the number is a fraction?

3/10 in = 7/8 mi

What does a 7 on the pH scale indicate?

pH=7 is the neutral point on the scale.

On the pH scale a 7 indicates .?

pH=7 is the neutral point on the scale.

What is 70 percent on a test?

It depends on the scale the school is using. On a 10 point scale, which is more common in primary and middle school, it would be a C-. On a 7 point scale, which is more common in high school, it would be a D+.

What is a 77 on a school report card?

Usually that is around a C or C+ depending if you are on the 10 point scale (ex: 90-100=A's) or the 7 point scale (ex: 93-100=A's)

You answered 7 out of 10 questions correctly what is your grade?

If the answers are being graded on a 10 point each scale the grade would equate to a 70%.

Can 27 represent an even number in some scale?

yes ,when you convert 27 from base 10 to base 9 it is 30 and in base 7 it is 36

How do you convert 0.7 into a fraction?

To convert 0.7 into a fraction, place the 7 over 10 (0.7 is 7 tenths). It is 7/10.