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A third world economy must have the impediments removed or reduced to build an economy where people can find work for food and shelter. Given a minimum opportunity to improve their lives and their communities, people can and will do the work themselves.

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Q: How do you convert third world countries into first world countries?
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Myth of technology transfer in the third world?

There is not much technology in the third world. It is a myth that they are as wired in as first world countries.

Why revolutions only take place in the Third World and never in First World countries?

First World countries have the one essential thing most of your Third World countries lack - stability. An unstable country is going to descend into chaos, plain and simple.

Is Trinidad and tobago third world?

Yes.. Trinidad and Tobago is a third world country; however, it should be regarded as a Developing Country, as First World, Second World and Third World were terms resulting out of the Cold War. First World Countries are regarded as highly developed countries Second World Countries are Communist Countries and Countries of the fallen Soviet Union Third World refers to Developing countries and Underdeveloped countries.

Why dont western countries give to third world countries?

They do give to Third World countries. Keep in mind the First World countries also have their own needs to take care of, and the corruption which runs rampant throughout most of the Third World has caused a good portion of the contributions made by the rest of the world to vanish and reappear as lavish homes occupied by the leaders of those Third World countries.

What is meant by the term 'third world countries?

Well, after the World War 2 there was primarily 3 blocks of nations. First world countries like American and other western countries which withheld Democratic stand point, Second world countries like the Eastern Europe and Russia with Communistic principles and the third world countries which were neutral. But today the phrase third world countries often imply under developed or developing countries.

How many third world countries are in the world today?

There are 47 third world countries today.

What does third world debt?

Third World debt is external debt incurred by Third World countries. Third World debt is external debt incurred by Third World countries.

What was the First World?

The First World are the industrialized countries of Europe such as England, France, Germany, etc. The New world is considered to be the Americas and Third World countries those that are underdeveloped in Africa and the East.

What is third world debt?

third world countries which are in debt to countries which have more money and material. Third world is when devolving countries are in debt. countries like Africa which have no money or materials .