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I'm not going to be able to do much to convince your mother to let you adopt a kitten. However, you might be able to negotiate with your mother and be able to adopt a kitten.

The first step is to ask your mother why she is opposed to you having a kitten. There are some very good reasons why your mother may not allow you to adopt a kitten, ranging from no pet policies in your house (often imposed by landlords on renters) to someone in the household being allergic to cats. Also, cats are not free - they need veterinary care as well as food, cat litter and toys; if your mother can't afford a cat, it's better to not get one.

However, many times parents will deny a child's request for a pet because they are concerned the child is either not mature enough to take care of a pet or because they are concerned the child will get tired of the pet and stop caring about it. Both of these situations happen frequently, particularly when a pet is given as an unexpected present. If this is the case, you need to ask your mother what you can do to show you are interested in having a cat for years and that you are mature enough to take care of a cat. Whatever answer you get, do it without complaint. A cat is a living creature, so you can't have a bad day where you don't feel like scooping the litter box or putting out food and water.

If that doesn't work, I'm sorry but you are out of luck until you are living on your own. Once you pay the rent/mortgage, you get to choose whether or not to have a cat.

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14y ago

Please, please Mom, I will really look after it, feed it, clean the kitty litter I will do every thing I need to do! (you can start with that) Now keep your promise.

thank you, but one of the main problems is that she claws the leather couch! :(

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