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Well if you have another pet that might by chance want to eat or hurt the hamsters, you should put the cage in a high area like a tall table. (if you have a cat, make sure there are no places where they jump on and then jump on the high area) Another thing you can do is block off a room like your bedroom with a pet gate and put the hamster cage in the blocked off room.

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Q: How do you convince your family and dog to let you get 2 roborovski hamsters?
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What is the best store to buy a hamster from?

well,I have 2 roborovski dwarf hamsters and they are the cutest things in the world!They are the tiniest and most active hamsters in US and their natural habitat is northern china.They were imported into US from a hamster breeder in 1998.They are not suitable for young children only children about 8+.Whenever you buy your roborovski dwarf hamster make sure they are atleast 5-6 weeks old.They can eat fruit, vegetables,meat,protein,dog food,baby food, popcorn ( no salt and butter) I hope I gave you the information You needed about picking a perfect hamster! My opinion is the roborovski dwarf hamsters ( if you can tell). If you need more information about Roborovski dwarf hamsters just go on

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What dog is best with hamsters?

My guess Labrador Retriver we have one and doe awsome with are hamsters.

How to convince the family to get a pet?

Well here is my suggestion: I would suggest you dog sit at your house while your family is home for a neighbor or someone you know. Make sure you they are watching also make sure you take care of it as if the dog were your own.

Can hamsters chew on dog biscets?

No They Will Die.

How do you convince my mom to get a dog?

Tell her you are responsible

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How do you convince your family to get a dog?

You can convince your family to get a dog by saying it will keep you company and saying that it will give you responsibility for example you will have to potty train it if you get it as a puppy, feed it, give it water, and ofcourse pick up it's droppings, give it lots of attention, play with it, and walk it. If you do that your parents will understand that you are responsible. I have a Border Collie and they are very playful and they are the smartest dogs and they are good watch dogs. Good Luck!

What if your dog ate your hamsters will your dog get sick?

Yes, your dog could get sick. You should talk to a vetrinarian.

How could you convince your dad to get a dog for the family?

Show him that you are responsible enough to help care for it, or, keep on asking him until he cant stand it and finnally says yes

if i had 1 dog and 1 cat and 2 hamsters and the dog dies i will have 3 pets left?

yep 3 pets left bc1 car and 2 hamies/hamsters

How do you convince your husband to get a third dog?

You should turn on the charm.