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Explain to her that they are merely misunderstood creatures that endure a reputation they don't deserve. A corn snake or ball python are great beginner snakes. A reticulated python is slightly different! Get her to research snake with you to educate her further on the subject.

I currently have a corn snake and it is a very very calm and dosile pet. The way I convinced my parents is I researched snakes for about three months. The way I started was I started learning more about snakes, then I decided that a corn snake was the right snake for me so I learned absolutly everything I possibly could about them. I did many things to try and move opioins into my perspective such as making a pros and cons list, making a contract promising I would take care of it as well as a PowerPoint slide show. Much of my research was done with my mom present so she could see all the info. If you mom has a truly severe snakephobia. Don't bother trying because all your doing is making her uncomftorble and it's not like this snake is living for two years. No, more like twenty-five. Another great begginer snake is a Rat snake, belongs to the same family as the corn snake.

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14y ago

You have to keep saying please and tell her that you will look after it... Maybe buy her a presant or mak her breakfast in bed to convince her that u need praising =stop convincing your mom cos she will NEVER buy you one.

just ask your dad.

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