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I was had the same problem until just a few weeks ago. These are some DOs and DON'Ts that helped me! DO -be polite. -show you are responsible. take on an extra chore or something. -be patient. they WILL get around to listening to you! -show your point, but listen to thirs. it helps if you work something out. -make sure to mention that u will pay. if u don't want to... good luck with that... DONT -beg every day. remind them only once in a while. (not every week. this just makes u look selfish. unless ur a spoiled brat who gets everything he/she wants...) -complain and rub it in their faces that "everybody has one." I tried it a few times. failed... badly...

PS subtle hints are better than outright requests. for instance, find the cell phone online and "accidently" leave it up on the screen. they will get the point unless theyre REALLY ditzy.

I have a new and improved answer:

Be patient, DONT keep begging because then they will never give you one, don't say something like this: But, but, EVERYONE HAS ONE!!!!!!!!!!! No no terrible, don't say that. If your parents give you chores, take about 3 extra ones, you have to show them you are qualified enough. (qualified means you are responsible enough OR old enough)

Don't show them you are spoiled & impatient. Be patient, wait for a while, & if this doesn't help I'm sorry, if it does thank you so much it was an honor helping you.

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Q: How do you convince your parents to get you a new phone?
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What I did was write a long letter with pros and cons of having a phone. I would recommend this because it shows your parents you really want a new phone. You should include monthly bill, cost, why you think you should have it, and your grades (only if they are good). Another way to convince them is to do all chores and homework without being asked. Lastly, kidding up doesn't hurt.

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You can tell them all the good things and responsibilty's of having one

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smash it by "accident" and beg for a new one. use excuses like; what if i get lost walking home.refrain from using the famous "but everyone has one" :)

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I dont know. I'm working on the same thing.

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get your mom in a headlock and man check your dad

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