

How do you cook brocolli?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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13y ago

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The easiest way is in the microwave. In a microwave-safe dish (that has a top) a splash of water in the bottom and your micro can help you with the timing.

You can also put the broccoli in boiling water and boil for about 15 minutes or until it is as tender as you like.

Steamed broccoli is prepared by placing the broccoli on a steaming tray over boiling water. Cover with a lid and steam until it's as tender as you want it to be.

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15y ago

Broccoli is best not cooked long and served immediately after cooking. A good way to cook broccoli so it is semi crisp but bright green is to put 1/4 cup of water into a frying pan with broccoli florets from one stalk, cover, and steam until the water has just evaporated completely. (This steams the broccoli lightly to soften it.) Then add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil and a dash of salt, then stir-fry the broccoli for 2 minutes or so. (This caramelizes the outside of the broccoli, making it relatively sweet.) A dash of vermouth or Orange Juice at the end is nice, too. Serve immediately.

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13y ago

Blanch it - place the broccoli in boiling water for about 4-6 minutes, then drain the water and quickly run the broccoli under cold water to stop the cooking process and to retain the colour. Serve plain or with a little melted butter and roughly chopped mint accompanying a meal.

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13y ago

This depends on what you want to cook with Broccoli Rabe. Here's a small tutorial on how to cook Sausage with Broccoli Rabe.

The ingredients we need are :

We need a bunch of Broccoli Rabe and

1 pound of hot/sweet Italian sausage

Here are the instructions:

1. First, take 1 pound of sausage and chop it into several pieces. Arrange the pieces in a baking pan with a size of 9*13

2. Slice the Broccoli after removing the stems. Next top the sausage with some sliced broccoli rabe. Cover the Baking pan with an aluminum cover.

3. Start preheating the oven to a temperature of 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Place it inside the oven and start cooking it for about an hour.

4. Finally mix all ingredients and serve it immediately in a nice plate. Your dish is ready.

Hope this helps.

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