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Q: How do you cook pastrami in convection oven?
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How does the oven cook?

It uses heat convection to cook food.

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Difference between microwave oven grill and convection?

A microwave uses radio waves to heat food from the inside out, and a convection oven uses heat waves to cook food from the outside in. While they both cook food fairly quickly, the method of a convection oven is much more similar to a conventional oven.

How do you cook chicken legs in a convection oven?

You should cook chicken legs in an convection oven for between 20 and 30 minutes depending on the temperature. The air movement of convection ovens greatly reduces cooking times when compared to traditional ovens.

Can you cook frozen pork chops in the oven?

If you cook them on a low heat, it might work. Otherwise it will cook on the outside and be raw in the middle. You could finish them in the microwave or a convection oven.

How does this Whirlpool convection oven and steamer differ from a microwave oven?

While microwave technology allows you to cook food quickly, the white Whirlpool GH 7208XRQ convection oven includes microwave as one of its features of convection, microwave, steamer, and oven; therefore essentially making the convection oven a more functional kitchen appliance.

Should you cook a turkey with convection?

You bet. A convection oven has a fan in it which helps distribute the heat more evenly in the oven. This results in the turkey being cooked more evenly and more quickly. I used to cook up to 12 turkeys at a time in a commercial convection oven. They are great.

How long do you cook a fifteen pound turkey in a convection oven?

2 hours

How long to cook 7 pound ham in convection oven?

till its done

What is the time and temperature to roast a 7.5 lb chicken in convection oven?

how long do you cook a chicken in a convectional oven?

How long and what temperature to cook a 35 lb fresh turkey in a convection oven?

12 minutes