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First of all you need to find out if this is really true. Why does he want to leave you? Is he having an affair. If there are problems in the marriage then it might be advisable to seek the help of a marriage counsellor. However, the most important starting point is to talk and discuss each other's feelings.

If he has already stated that he is going to leave you, then it is advisable to get the help of lawyer to find out what your rights are, what his rights and responsibilities are (both towards you and any children you have). Also all aspects of your family life will need to be decided (financial, custody of children, joint assets, the family home, coping emotionally with the split, preparing the children to cope etc). That in itself will take alot of emotional energy.

Then you can think of re-building your life separately from him.

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Q: How do you cope if you know your husband is going to leave you at some point?
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