

How do you create a string reference?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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String strReference = new String();

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Q: How do you create a string reference?
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// Inventory Referencer // Demonstrates returning a reference #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespace std; //returns a reference to a string string & refToElement(vector<string>& vec, int i); int main() { vector<string> inventory; inventory.push_back( "sword"); inventory.push_back( "armor"); inventory.push_back( "shield"); //displays string that the returned reference refers to cout << "Sending the returned reference to cout:\n"; cout << refToElement(inventory, 0) << "\n\n"; //assigns one reference to another - inexpensive assignment cout << "Assigning the returned reference to another reference.\n"; string& rStr = refToElement(inventory, 1); cout << "Sending the new reference to cout:\n"; cout << rStr << "\n\n"; //copies a string object - expensive assignment cout << "Assigning the returned reference to a string object.\n"; string str = refToElement(inventory, 2); cout << "Sending the new string object to cout:\n"; cout << str << "\n\n"; //altering the string object through a returned reference cout << "Altering an object through a returned reference.\n"; rStr = "Healing Potion"; cout << "Sending the altered object to cout:\n"; cout << inventory[1] << endl; return 0; } //returns a reference to a string string & refToElement(vector<string>& vec, int i) { return vec[i]; }

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Is string a value type or a reference type?

It can depend on what language you are using, but it's generally a reference type.

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Jacob's Ladder is a classic string figure that involves manipulating a loop of string between the fingers to create a ladder-like structure. To create Jacob's Ladder, start with the string looped around both hands, then twist the loop around your fingers to create the ladder pattern. Follow a step-by-step video tutorial for detailed instructions on how to create Jacob's Ladder with a string.

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The new keyword tells Java that you want to create a new instance of a class by invoking one of the constructors for that class.// Create a new, empty String objectString s1 = new String();// Create a new String object with a different constructorString s2 = new String("howdy");

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To create a musical composition with a violin, only one string is ultimately necessary. You can create enough sounds with one string that you can create a composition with only one.

WHich string instrument can create the largest variety of sounds?

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C plus plus library functions for string operations?

You can use "string" class in C++ for string operations or you may use c style string functions as well. #include <string> String class in C++ provides all basic function to operate on strings. you may details descriptin at

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