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Use the "static" keyword to declare a static variable within a function like shown below.


function fun() {

static $variable;

static $another_variable = '';



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Q: How do you create static variables in PHP?
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What is static language?

A static language is a programming language in which variables must be declared with their specific data types before they can be used. This allows for type checking to be performed at compile-time, catching potential errors before the program is executed. Examples of static languages include C, C++, Java, and C#.

What is the disadvantage of using PHP?

As far as I know.. the only bad issue I see as a PHP developer is that you don't have the variables/attributes type. I mean you can set an integer attribute then set the same attribute as string. And I just discovered that if you use a non-static method as static, the php accepts it as if it was normal... =P The advantage of using php is that you may develop your systems faster and easily. Regards.. Gabriel Rocha

Are static variables serialized in java?

No, static variables are not serialized.

Why is PHP used?

PHP is used to create dynamic websites, this is a step up from HTML as it allows you to do much more than creating static websites. Using a language such as PHP also gives you access to using databases with your website such as MySQL.

Why you say that no static binding in php?

PHP supports late static binding since version 5.3, which was officially released in June of 2009.

What is a preprocessor in PHP?

As it is, PHP does not have a preprocessor; it is a preprocessor that processes form variables and other environmental variables and prints HTML or general text.

Why static functions cannot use instant variables?

Static functions are tied to a class, not to a particular object. A static function can only access static variables because it has no knowledge of member variables.

How can a PHP static be initialized?

PHP static can only be initialized using a literal or constant. You can not use an expression. You can initialize it to an integer but you may not to another variable.

It is perfectly legal to any instance variable inside of a static method?

No. You will get compilation errors. The complier will complain that you are trying to access non static variables from inside a static method. A static method can access only static variables.

How do you access the static variable and static methods of a class?

In java we access static variables and static methods without creating objects. i.e.,we can access directly by using classname we can also access static variables and static methods by using objects which are created by using class where the static variables and static methods are available

Can variables be changed?

A static variable is one which is not stored on the stack but in the memory of the program. Static variables can be changed.

Can non static methods can access static variables?

Yes, they can