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Nothing just rub your hand and fingers wherever you got pinched. Nothing really if it's bleeding just wash it in soap and hot water no need for band aid.

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13y ago

lemon, but if u mean with its, claw, dont worry 'bout it, 'till be fandy dandy.

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Q: How do you cure a scorpion pinch?
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What do scorpion claws do?

They are called pincers and its EXTREMELY DANGEROUS it gets lots of pain but no one will ever dare to get pinch by a scorpion. It could be like a human's pinch x10

How do you treat a scorpion pinch?

Remove the scorpion, ensuring that while pinching you with its pincers you do not allow it to sting you with the stinger on its tail.

How did pioneers cure scorpion bites on a trail?

They didn't

How can a scorpion harm us?

they have claws to pinch us and the stinger at the back can sting us :)

What if you grabbed a scorpion's tail?

It would pinch you or at lest try to so for starters stay away.

How do you pioneers cure scorpion bites in the wilderness?

they suck the poison out after cutting the sting

How would you cure a scorpion sting in 1848 on hackers trail?

ice soap and water

What is the sequence of what happens when a scorpion bites someone?

Scorpions do not bite they usually pinch and only sting if they feel threatend. nonlethal scorpion stings are like bee stings. but more venomous species can kill in minuts

How do you describe a scorpion?

it has two pincers and unsally a venouns sting on its tail and if you theaten it it will sting you and it is all most inpossible to kill one

Does the sea scorpion turn into the scorpion?

No, it does not turn into the scorpion.

What part of speech is pinch?

To pinch is a verb. "Pinch" as in the phrase "in a pinch" or as in "a pinch of salt", then pinch would be a noun.

What is the present tense pinch?

The present tense of "pinch" is "pinches." For example, "He pinches his sister when she annoys him."