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you gas them - which is exactly what mengele did his 1st day at birkenau, when theres an epidemic of typhoid, mengele's new method was to send everyone in the block to the gas chambers (even if the block has only 1 case of typhus)

then the baracks were all disinfected. and that's how you get rid of typhus!

mengele would boast. & he actually got a medal for it!

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Can typhus be cure

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Q: What efforts were made to cure typhus during the Holocaust?
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What efforts were made to cure typhus?

ther is no cure but there is treatments.

What were the efforts to find a cure on typhus?

a lot

What efforts were to find the cure for typhus?

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What efforts were made to find the cure for typhus?

i love chocolate

What efforts were made to find the cure of the disease of Anne Frank?

the disease that Anne Frank had during the holocaust is called Typhus. it is caused by lice, and infected water supply. some of it's sypmtoms are: vomitting, nausea, back ache, abdominal pain, extremly high fever, dry cough, joint pain, and a spreading red body rash. it was mainly spread person to person and anne and her sister margot frank both died from the disease, along with 5 million other people of the holocaust.

What efforts were made to find a cure for Typhus Fever in 1945?

There was no cure for typhoid in Victorian time. the old wise physician, probably used to treat typhoid by good nursing care. There was about 20 % mortality for the typhoid fever, at that time.

Is there a a cure for typhus?

Typhus usually responds to antibiotic treatment. However, in some cases the Rickettsia bacteria remain dormant in cells and can cause another outbreak (possibly months or years later) in individuals who appear cured.

What is the cure for typhoid?

Typhoid fever is caused by Salmonella typhus, and is typically treated with general supportive care (fluids, nutritional support, etc.) and antibiotics.

What ailments does auromycin cure?

Auromycin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It main use is for the treatment of penicillin-resistant bacterial infections, such as pneumonia, sepsis, and Staphylococcus aureus. The treatment can also cure typhus, pneumonia and amoebic dysentery.

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Hellooooooooo! Anybody out here? Come on people! Typhus,i.e. Rickettsia pronazek (Epidemic typhus)...The vaccine in the military during the 1952-1963 was called "Typhus" vaccine. Question: What is it called TODAY? Great web site, HA.

What did they do to try to cure Anne Frank's typhus?

Since she was in a concentration camp at the time, I don't think that they would really have done much. The most they would have done was take her to the camp nurse, and leave the nurse to do what she could.