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Typhus usually responds to antibiotic treatment. However, in some cases the Rickettsia bacteria remain dormant in cells and can cause another outbreak (possibly months or years later) in individuals who appear cured.

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Q: Is there a a cure for typhus?
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What efforts were made to cure typhus?

ther is no cure but there is treatments.

What were the efforts to find a cure on typhus?

a lot

What efforts were to find the cure for typhus?

i love chocolate

What efforts were made to find the cure for typhus?

i love chocolate

What efforts were made to cure typhus during the Holocaust?

you gas them - which is exactly what mengele did his 1st day at birkenau, when theres an epidemic of typhoid, mengele's new method was to send everyone in the block to the gas chambers (even if the block has only 1 case of typhus) then the baracks were all disinfected. and that's how you get rid of typhus! mengele would boast. & he actually got a medal for it!

What is the cure for typhoid?

Typhoid fever is caused by Salmonella typhus, and is typically treated with general supportive care (fluids, nutritional support, etc.) and antibiotics.

What ailments does auromycin cure?

Auromycin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It main use is for the treatment of penicillin-resistant bacterial infections, such as pneumonia, sepsis, and Staphylococcus aureus. The treatment can also cure typhus, pneumonia and amoebic dysentery.

Does typhus itch?

Yes, the typhus rash may itch, especially if it is murine typhus.

Is there a sertent place that you get typhus?

is there a certent place that you get typhus

What is another name for epidemic typhus?

Epidemic typhus, which is sometimes called jail fever or louse-borne typhus

Was typhus scrub caused by rats?

Yes. The rats is born with Typhus. And if a rat bit you, then you will have Typhus. It is a disease that can kill you.

How is typhus transmitted?

Typhus is tramitted by body lice and ticks