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With proper medication, you can cure typhoid fever. You have very good drugs to cure the typhoid fever.

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Q: How do you cure typhiod fever from body?
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How common was the typhiod fever in 1940?

it was mild

What diseases were found in a Nazi concentration camp?

typhiod fever and cholera were some.

What are bad sicknesses you can get in Burundi?

Some of the bad sicknesses you can get in Burundi is malaria, hepititis A, typhiod fever.

What is a highly infectious disease associated with foul water?

malaria,dysentary,cholera, or typhiod fever

What is the common name of typhiod fever?

Typhoid is the common name. I have never heard of it called anything else.

Which one of Abraham Lincoln's sons died of typhoid fever?

William Wallace Lincoln died of Typhiod fever in the White House in Feb 1862

What is the cure for the common fever?

There is no cure for a common fever, or a common cold. Treatments like aspirin can reduce a fever, and following guidance like drinking lots of fluids can help you feel better, but the only cure is to let it take its course. Eventually, if it is the common cold (or fever) your body will deal with it and you will get better.

Is there a cure for bieber fever?

Only Dr.Bieber can cure that fever

What is typhiod?

typhiod is a type of disease.

How can you cure a fever?

what can cure a fever is that you can put a cold rag on what parts of your body is warming up or you can take a nice long nap with peace and quiet you might have to see a doctor if it lasts for days.

When did the cure for scarlet fever come out?

the cure for scarlet fever was found around the 1860s

How did George Washington gale ferris jr die?

George Washington Gale Ferris Jr. died of Typhiod Fever in Pittsburg Pennsylvania....