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Q: How do you cure your goldfish because you think it has fish dropsy?
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Your ryunkin goldfish looks like its going to explode what should you do?

That is what Ryunkin Goldfish look like. If however, the fishes scales are sticking out like a file or rasp, the fish is suffering from a fatal disease called Dropsy. There is no known reliable cure for Dropsy. There are expensive medications available at pet shops that make the claim to cure Dropsy but in my experience they do not work.

Is your goldfish preagnant?

Huh? Come again? As far as I know, (sorry,) Goldfishes do not, um, become pregnant. Instead, they lay eggs. Your goldfish is most probably either down with dropsy (touch wood, okay? There is no cure for dropsy) or laden with eggs.

How can you cure dropsy?

To my knowedge there is no proven cure for dropsy. Some pet shops carry medications that 'claim' to cure almost every disease and problem including dropsy but I have never heard of them working successfully on dropsy. I would euthanase the fish.

What does fish goldfish with dropsy look like?

Dropsy Serious and difficult to cure, the fish's body can become so bloated that the scales protrude. It would just be at the bottom of the fishtank or pond and it would look like santa that has ate too many pies and he is sleeping on a bed with his eyes open

Why is your goldfish fat and its scales are sticking out is it pregnant?

Your Goldfish is not pregnant it has a deadly disease called 'Dropsy'. So the prognosis is very bad. This disease is usually caused by the fish being kept in poor water conditions. There is no known, reliable cure for this disease the fish will die.

Is a goldfish ill or pregnant if all of its belly is big and scales are sticking up?

When a goldfish becomes bloated in appearance and all the scales start sticking up then the fish has dropsy, a terminal condition. Dropsy is the result of a build-up of fluids caused by organ failure. The reason for the symptoms of dropsy is either an internal bacterial infection or poor water quality. By the time the fish starts to have raised scales there's nothing else you can do for it - so don't waste your time or money on the types of medications you add to the water that say they "cure" dropsy-they'll only burn the fishes gills and make its last few days on earth even more miserable.

How do you cure a Siamese fighter fish when he is dropsy?

Dropsy isn't a disease in itself. It is a symptom of another problem. The only thing you can do for dropsy is treat with a strong medication. I would use Maracyn I and Maracyn II in combination and keep the water very clean. That is your best bet.

How do you cure goldfish that swim vertically?

Take it to the vet

How do you cure a goldfish?

drown it then flush it down the toilet

Is fungus that grows on goldfish good?

That is a disease cure it

How do you cure a traumatized goldfish?

yes, goldfish can get traumatized. if the are scared enough, they might get sick or even jump out of their tank if their isn't a lid on it.

What did William withering discover about circulation?

William Withering was the discoverer of digitalis which cures dropsy. Dropsy (nowadays called edema) is congestive heart failure. This means that the heart as a pump cannot deliver oxygen rich blood to the body and therefore stops circulation.