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Try a little vaseline/petroleum jelly or essential oil on a cotton bud or finger tip and gently lift your eyelashes and hold for 10 seconds.

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Q: How do you curl eyelashes I want my eyelashes to curl up without mascara fake lashes or a curler. Are there any home remedies I can try?
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How do you make eyelashes stand out without making it look like you are wearing make up?

Wear clear mascara and an eyelash curler :)

Is maskara bad for you if you were it everyday?

Not at all, as long as you aren't curling your eyelashes with it on! NEVER EVER curl your eyelashes with mascara on, it will cause your eyelashes to stick to the curler and break off. As long as you don't do that, put on as much mascara as you like! :)

How do you curl your eyelashes without using an eyelash curler?

You can either use a curler, curling masscara, or a spoon.With an eyelash curler, I know that's not very helpful but there you go just be sure to curl your eyelashes Before You put on your mascara on or it'll clump and pull out quite a few lashes.

How do you make my eyelashes become longer and thicker?

Use a lengthening mascara. Apply multiple coats. Use an eyelash curler.

Has anyone got any good tips on how to get your eye lashes to spread out and look separated?

Put a transparent mascara on your eyelashes then, use the eyelashes curler. Starting from near the root of the tiny hair, press the curly many times while its moving upto the tip of the eyelashes then after that, use a black mascara! You will see the lashes are separated

Do you use an eyelash curler before or after putting on mascara?

Before, it curls your eyelashes (of course) so the mascara is like cement, it holds the shape of the curl.

How do you make Eyelashes stand out?

use an eyelash curler, you can get them really cheap, and it makes your eyes stand out without having 10 coats of mascara on ^ good point, but sometimes, if you just use that alone, it doesn't stay for very long. so you could use clear mascara to keep your lashes in place, after curling, Anna :) x

What is the best tip that makes your lashes grow?

you can't!! but you can use mascara or eyelash curlers 2 make them seem longer

What is the best eyelash curler?


How do you get long eyelash?

use an eyelash curler... first close to the lash line, then the middle and then the top part of your eyelash. Apply three coats of mascara, wait a few minuets between each coat and then use an eyebrow brush to separate the eyelashes.

Do eyelash curlers snap your eyelashes?

If you choose a reliable and good curler, not it would not really break your lashes. I would recommend lash curlers that are more popular (ex. revlon, loreal, maybelline, etc.) the problem should never curl your lashes with mascara on! curl it before, but never after. mascara on your lashes cause it to become brittle and hard, curling it will only snap and break your lashes without even noticing. when you wash your mascara off, then the little snapped part of your lashes will come off too!

How do you make your eyelashes look longer?

You will need: Mascara, Scissors, Cotton bud, brush. Firstly you put your first layer of mascara on! With your scissors you cut and keep cutting the cotton bud (only in the middle though), until there are small bits! After you take your brush and put it in the cotton bud when you take it out there should only be tiny bits of the cotton bud if there is big ones take them off. Then you brush your eyelashes with the brush while the bits of cotton bud are on there. Once you done that you put another layer of mascara on, and your lashes should look longer if you want them longer do the cotton bud thing again. Once your happy with the length show off and tell them what to do with their eyelashes!! Hope it helped, reply if it did!