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It depends on the degree and what the offence is.

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Q: How do you deal with offense?
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Is it normal to sell drugs as a teen while growing up?

Absolutley not. Its still an offense to deal drugs

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If that's the only possible use for it, yes.

How much time do a first offense felony recieve?

In Illinois 2 to 5 years

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"As with all major cases, the DMV deals with DUI as a serious offense. Depending of the severity of your offense, they will deduct point accordingly. Call your local DMV to speak to an agent."

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If you have been arrested, there is no statute of limitations. You can't run, you have to deal with it.

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(ion the US) Arson is a felony criminal offense - if the act of arson results in death you can be, depending on your state, sentenced to death or life imprisonment.

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A more exact description of the offense will have to be given other than an "act of lasciviousness." From the description, it sounds like a sexual assault charge - a criminal offense. If that, in fact. is the case it makes no difference whether you and the victim decide to settle amicably or not. You will have to deal with the prosecutor in order to get the charge reduced or Nolle Prosse'd.

Nurse prescribes wrong medication is this a civil or criminal offense?

This case would be a criminal case. Because the jury and judge not able to know the real motives of the nurse (TRULY an accident or an intended murder). Civil cases mostly deal with money. Hope this helps!

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An offense for which you can be put to death.