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1. Decrease the Force between the two Surfaces.

2. Lubricate the Surfaces, thus lowering the Coefficient of Friction between them.

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Q: How do you decrease friction between two surface?
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When does friction decrease?

Friction will decrease if the coefficient of friction decreases. This can be caused by having a smother surface up to a point. (When two surface are TOO smooth the friction actually increases due to molecular attraction.)

Why rolling friction is less than sliding friction?

Rolling friction is the force of friction between two surfaces when one surface rolls over another.Sliding friction is the force of friction between two surfaces when one surface is moving on another.

How can you decrease the friction between two surfaces?

Prevent them from coming into contact.

What is the friction that exits between a surface sliding on another surface is called?

If the two surfaces are moving relative to each other, then the friction between them is Kinetic Friction. Prior to the surfaces moving there was Static Friction between them.

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Surface currents are caused by friction between which two elements?

the ocean surface and wind

What are 3 items you can use to decrease friction?

Hammer, Saw, Oil Hammer (chip off mass) Saw (decrease surface area) Oil (lubricate, ie add thin barrier between two objects)

What two things affect the amount of friction between two objects?

The coefficiant of friction between the two surfaces and the normal reaction force of the object lying on the surface

The two common forms of friction between two sliding surfaces presented in this course are?

Friction refers to the resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another. The two common forms of friction between two sliding surfaces are static friction and rolling friction.

Which forces decrease due to interaction between two surfaces?

Friction is the force that decreases motion through the interaction between two surfaces.

What fraction affect the friction force between two surface?

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