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You can't delete other people's boards, but you can unfollow them. To unfollow someone:

  1. Log into your Pinterest account.
  2. Go to your main page by clicking on your user name in the upper right hand corner, and click on "Boards."
  3. Click on "Followers" on the bar above your boards.
  4. Find the individual's account you want to unfollow, and click on "Unfollow."
  5. If you are only following a few of their boards (and not their entire account), you won't have the "Unfollow" option below their name. So you'll need to click "Follow", then "Unfollow."
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10y ago

To remove a board from your Pinterest account:

  1. Log into your Pinterest account
  2. Go to your main page by clicking on your user name in the upper right hand corner, and click on "Boards."
  3. Click on the board you want to remove.
  4. Click on "Edit Board" button at the top of the board page.
  5. Click on the "Delete Board" button.
  6. Click on "Save Changes."
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Can I make money with Pinterest?

A VERY BIG YES!!. in fact I am already earning money using Pinterest and I am happy that I invested on this pinterest E-book guide. I really recommend this book if you are interested or planning to venture into the world of PINS. Hurry and try it out and earn money already... bit. ly / profitable pinterest (delete the spaces) bit. ly / profitable pinterest (delete the spaces)

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To remove a pin from your Pinterest account:Log into Pinterest.Click on "My profiles and pins."Click on the board where the pin is located.Hover over the pin that you want to unpin.Click on the pencil icon in the upper right corner of the pin (this is the "edit" button).Click on "Delete Pin."

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Follow these instructions to unpin something on the Pinterest app:Go to the board the pin is in and then click on the pin itself.Once the pin has opened, click on the edit symbol on the top bar of the pin (looks like a pencil)Then click "delete pin" on the pop up.

What should you do if you don't have a board?

If you don't have a Pinterest account, you can create one, and then create a board:Go to the Pinterest website, and create an account by clicking on "Sign up with Facebook" or "Sign up with email"Once you have created an account, click on the + sign in the upper right hand corner of your screen, and select "Create a board."This will allow you to have boards on Pinterest!

How do I customize my Pinterest board background and layout?

there are many important way to customize Pinterest . such as, There is a new stylized profile cover banner at the top that lets you highlight your Pinterest boards or your pins. Your Pinterest Profile description is displayed under your profile pic and profile name. There is a new menu selection that appears under your Pinterest profile description. Featured boards

What paint is needed to make a chalk board on a wall?

There is a specific chalkboard paint made these days. You can find it in home improvement stores. However, you can also easily make your own, the instructions can be found on Pinterest.

How can a person delete your message board without offending someone?

Just delete the message, as long as it's yours. You cannot delete an entire message board, as the message board is permanent and cannot be removed. Just delete your message and move on, because it's the only way you can do it without trying to offend someone.

How do you make a board on Pinterest?

To make a board on Pinterest:Go to the Pinterest site, and create an account.Once you have created an account, log in, and go to the top of your screen and click on "Add +"Click "Create a board."Name the board, select a category, make it "Secret" if you like (Secret boards are not visible to anyone but you), add other friends to your board if you like, and click the button at the bottom that says "Create Board."Once you have created your board, you can add pins to it a few ways:a) You can pin images from various websites using the "Pin It Button" feature (see below for instructions on how to install that on yourToolbar).b) You can upload your own images by clicking on "Add +", and then click on "Upload a Pin."c) You can repin images already on Pinterest by clicking on the image, and then clicking "Repin." You'll then be given the option to choose which board you'd like to pin the image to.To install the Pin In Button on Pinterest:Go to the Pinterest site, and create an account.Once you have created an account, log in, and go to the top of your screen and click on "About."Click on "Pin It Button."Scroll down until you see the square "Pin It" button, and drag the button to your toolbar.The Pin It Bookmarklet lets you take images you like and add them to your Pinterest boards. Just click it when you see something on your screen that you want to pin.

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Pinterest has several pins that relates to Christmas nature. The Southern Living board offers 94 pins that has a royal along with a stylish feeling of a Christmas environment, both inside and outside your house.

How does one delete one's own posts?

To delete your own post, click the [Improve] link at the top right hand corner of any answer. Then, delete only your own words, and then press save.

How to make money with Pinterest?

I will put a link below for you to read and to answer all your question on how to make money on pinterest. this helped me understand on how it is being done properly and earn money right away. bit. ly / profitable pinterest (delete the spaces) bit. ly / profitable pinterest (delete the spaces) bit. ly / profitable pinterest (delete the spaces)