

How do you describe Crook's room?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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Q: How do you describe Crook's room?
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What is crooks doing as he sits alone in the harness room at the beginning of chapter 4?

Crooks is reading a book in the harness room at the beginning of Chapter 4. He is engrossed in the story until Lennie enters the room.

For what reason does curley's wife go into crooks room?

Curley's wife goes into Crooks's room looking for attention and companionship since she is often lonely and isolated on the ranch. She enjoys the power she has over Crooks, Candy, and Lennie, as she is in a position to make them feel small and powerless.

Why does Lennie end up with crooks What happens then (Be specific )?

Lennie ends up with Crooks because he wanders into his room while looking for his puppy. Crooks initially resists Lennie's presence but eventually allows him to stay and confides in him about his loneliness due to his race. Later, when Curley's wife enters the room, she taunts both Crooks and Lennie, which leads to a confrontation where Crooks is forced to defend himself and his space.

Why does Lennie go see Crooks in the first place?

Lennie goes to see Crooks because he is looking for his puppy. Crooks lives in a separate room in the barn, and Lennie wanders in looking for his lost pet.

Why does curleys wife come to crooks room?

to see who was talking with him and to flirt, ...obviously

First impression of crooks room in the novel mice and men?

Crooks's room in "Of Mice and Men" is described as small and cramped, with few personal possessions. The room reflects the segregation and isolation Crooks faces as a black man on the ranch. It symbolizes his lack of status and belonging in a predominantly white society.

When candy comes to crooks room how has crooks attitude change?

When Candy comes to Crooks' room, Crooks initially responds with hostility and defensiveness due to his past experiences of being mistreated because of his race. However, his attitude softens as he realizes that Candy is not there to harm him, and he becomes more open and vulnerable in sharing his thoughts and feelings.

Where does crooks live on the farm?

Crooks lives in a small room in the barn on the farm. He is segregated from the other workers due to racism and is often isolated in his living space.

What reason does crooks first give for Lennie not being welcomed in crooks room?

because he was loney and there used to be segration ,crook is aloof doesn't want Lennie in the room is because Lennie is white .but like i said there used to be segregation back then.

What did Crooks mean when he said to Lennie you got no right coming into my room?

Crooks was expressing his frustration at Lennie for entering his private space without permission. As the only African American on the ranch, Crooks is subjected to segregation and loneliness, so he values his personal space. Lennie's intrusion into his room represented a breach of that privacy.

Where does crooks live- in the book Of Mice and Men?

Crooks lives in the harness room in the barn on the ranch. It is separate from the other workers' quarters, and he is isolated there because of his race.

Who visits crooks candy and Lennie in crooks room?

In Chapter 4 of "Of Mice and Men," Crooks is visited by Lennie, Candy, and later Curley's wife. They end up in Crooks's room after Lennie is forbidden from entering the bunkhouse by the other men. Each character is seeking something different - Lennie wants companionship, Candy wants a sense of belonging, and Curley's wife wants to alleviate her own loneliness.