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i have a herbst appliance in my mouth right now.I got it tightened and I have four ulcers in my mouth,but that was just because the assistant put in legs that were too long.The appliance hurts for about a day or two,but you get used to it.If the round things on the bottom start to hurt,then you can use salt water or Colgate Peroxyl if an ulcer appears.Wax will not stay on so dont try it.Really dont.I almost swallowed some when it came off.But anyway,after a few days the pain should go away,but if it doesn`t DO NOT hesitate to see the orthodontist!!!


Not usually, no. You can try talking to yourself to try and challenge yourself to pronounce your words correctly. You normally will get used to it in a week or so.

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15y ago

A herbst appliance is used to fix overbite of 5mm or more, and it works best when the patient is still growing because it is actively guide the lower jaw forward and the upper jaw back. It looks bad, but only takes a year of weartime. And it does take some getting use to since it completely changes the patients bite. 1) Remove teeth (usually 2 upper bicuspids) to retract upper teeth back to fix overbite. 2) Orthognathic surgery when the patient quits growing usually late teens. 3) Have patient wear rubberbands and except compromise with left over overbite.

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13y ago

It is like a constant sore after lifting weights or sprinting on your cheek muscles. Another pains only two teeth touch, which at first is just extremely annoying until a couple hours when it starts to hurt too talk and it doesn't get much better until there off. Plus there are all the cold sores, the constant torture that won't go away. If you are getting "internal headgear" my only suggestion, is to try too open your mouth really wide if the ends are not screwed in until they come loose. If its screwed in ( like mine was) , fiddle with the screw and bar until the screw comes off. Orthodontists gave up on me I broke it too many times. They almost always move your jaw forward for cosmedic (looks) purposes, unless your bite is severally out of line, even then there are other ways to put your jaw in alignment.

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Q: How do you describe the pain of having the herbst appliance?
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How does the herbst appliance affect small children?

it will cause extreme pain, it will be hard to eat, and they might rip the herbst out of their mouth

I'm getting a Herbst appliance tomorrow What should you expect getting it on etc?

The herbst appliance is used to make your jaw move will realize that you have much more saliva in your mouth, adn you talk funny. Also, it will be hard to eat. I recommend eating ice cream, pudding, milkshates, applesauce, mac and cheese, jello. More of the soft squishy foods.Your orthondantist should give you special floss and a toothbrush. you put the floss in between the herbst appliance and your teeth, and the tooth burush is designed to go around the herbst appliance.The herbst appliance does not hurt at all. You may experience some pain from the metal pieces sticking into your cheaks, but the orthondianst will give you some wax for that. You put the wax around the area of the appliance that hurst you. If something else bothers you, take ibrophen. When you get the herbst, you CAN NOT,i repeat CAN NOT eat sticky foods or hard foods. Sticky foods can dammage the herbst and it can take up to 2 years insted of 9 months for your herst to be in you mouth. hard foods and sticks foods can pull the sement out of your teath, which means, you herbst will move around, and it will be very annoyine. Somw people think that theres nothing wrong with eating foods like apples, carrots, gum, and stuff like that. But you know, your parent and/or gaurdian has to pay about 200-400$ more for a new apliance (estamated) if your herbst breaks from eating wrong foods.Your orthondianst should go over all the things you should not do. the herbst appliance is very useful. And you know what. Your just one step away from getting braces!!!

My daughter is getting the herbst appliance on Thursday and she's really nervous any tips?

First off, reassure your daughter not to be as nervous (you can't exactly tell someone to not be nervous). The appliance is only going to help her smile be bigger and better. The first couple days her cheeks may be a little sore from the new appliance- her mouth will soon adapt to its new features. It may cause discomfort sometimes (when it's pushing her jaw forward- doing its job), but give her the normal pain reliever you'd give her for a headache, toothache, etc. Hope this helps! =D

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Is a Herbst appliance good or bad?

I liked my herbest. It was uncomfortable the first week but after that I liked it! The only downside is it gives you headaches because your jaw is moving.I had a herbst appliance for 2 years. My orthodontist told me my jaw was closing and opening correctly so I opted for this method instead of having jaw surgery. The first week I can remember that my mouth hurt so bad and I had a lisp. I was a singer so I had voice lessons and such that helped me not to have a lisp. So if you're having lisp problems I advise you to just take out some time to teach yourself how to speak properly while it's in your mouth. After 2 weeks I was back to my normal self. I would show people that I had the herbst in my mouth and every one told me they could never even tell that I had that much junk in my mouth. The only problem I had with it was if I yawned too wide, the bars would pop out of their socket thing and puncture the side of my cheek. Not fun! I personally think the herbst didn't really fix my problem because now my jaw clicks and hurts if I chew gum.I have one in my mouth right now because i have an overbite so it is bringing my lower jaw forward. It hasn't even been 2 weeks yet and I'm totally used to it. It does make your cheeks and bottom lip stick out and it makes you talk kinda funny but not anymore and it's only uncomfortable for like 3 or 4 days. Also my bars do not pop out ever when i open REALLY WIDE.The herbst appliance is honestly the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I don't mean to scare anyone that must get it...but if you have any other choice do it. I would rather have my jaw broken then wear this appliance. It's hard to talk and laugh and smile. I've had mine for about a year now and there hasn't been one day that i haven't cried a little because of the uncomfort and pain. Hopefully it'll be worth it, but honestly i pray no one else has to go through what i did.

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