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you look at the craters and if one is under another it is older and the one on top is newer.

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Q: How do you determine old craters from new craters?
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Why have very old craters on the moon not be erased as similar craters on earth have been?

Unlike Earth, the moon does not have air, water, glaciers, or plate tectonics to erase craters. The only forces that significantly alter the moon's surfaces are impacts that form new craters.

How do you use crater counts to determine the age of surfaces?

The more craters, the older the surface. If a surface is young, there will be fewer craters.

What can scientists discover by counting the number of craters on a surface?

Scientists can discover the relative age of two objects by counting the number of craters on their surfaces. The longer an object has been in space, the more craters it should have. Comparing the number of craters on two objects in space will determine which is older.

When two craters overlap how can you determine which is the most recent?

I really extremely don't know .

Does the planet Venus' have craters?

Venus has about 1,000 young craters, the biggest of which is Crater Mead, about 170 mile across. Oddly, there is no evidence on Venus of old craters like we see on the moon, Earth, and Mars. Somehow these old craters were smoothed over on Venus . . . by lava flow?? By high winds??

How can you determine that a location on a planet or moon must have had recent geological activity?

There will be few impact craters.

Who was the first person to study craters on the moon?

I think it was Galileo. Not too sure if he new he was looking at craters though.

What is the surface of Mercury covered with?

Craters, mostly. The new Messenger photos of Mercury from just last week show craters on craters, and chains of craters. It looks a lot like the Moon, actually. You can see some photos of Mercury at the link below.

What is visible on the moon?

There are several lunar features that are visible to the naked eye, and more are visible with even a very small telescope.The craters are probably the most obvious; circular impact craters caused by the collision of some very large asteroids or comets have created circular mountain ranges that are hundreds of miles in diameter. There are craters in craters, craters ON craters, and chains of craters. Because the Moon lacks an atmosphere, there are no erosive forces to break down and hide the craters (as there is here on Earth) and so the only thing wearing away the old craters are ..... new craters!Lunar craters are usually named for astronomers and scientists.The other major features of the Moon are the maria, or seas. Originally believed to be oceans and seas of water by classical observers, we now believe that they were made by lava flows.

How can lunar craters help determine the relative age of a particular area on the Moon's surface?

Bob Saget

When did Mercury get craters?

Each crater on Mercury was left behind by an asteroid or comet that collided with it. Many of the craters are nearly as old as the planet itself, as collisions were far more common when the solar system was young. Other craters may only be a few million years old.

Why have old craters on the moon not been erased as similar craters on earth have been?

The moon has no atmosphere, liquid water, or plate tectonics and little volcanic activity or bury, erode, and southwester destroy impact craters.