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I want to draw stippled lines by openGL so how I can

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1d ago

To develop a chessboard in OpenGL, you would typically define a grid of squares using triangles or quads. Each square would be textured with alternating colors to represent the black and white squares of the chessboard. You can then apply translations and rotations to position and orient the grid accordingly in the scene.

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Q: How do you develop a chessboard in Opengl?
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In order to run OpenGL on Vista, you must download and install a program called GLDirect. This program allows you to run OpenGL-based games and other applications using your graphics card's DirectX drivers.

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OpenGL is not software, it is a specification for cross-platform graphics rendering. All modern graphics cards support the OpenGL specification. In order to program with OpenGL you must first load the OpenGL function pointers. Although you can do this manually it's best to use a library specific to your hardware. Both nVidia and ATI provide their own libraries with tutorials. Remember that OpenGL is not software so there is no official SDK as such. There is no header file named 'opengl' (not officially at least). The OpenGL library headers typically use a gl prefix, such as gl.h, glut.h and glaux.h. The best place to start is by reading the FAQ provided by the official OpenGL website (see related links below). If you're using Windows, you also have the option of using the DirectX API rather than OpenGL. DirectX is not only easier to work with, it also provides support for audio, animation, networking, and so on. OpenGL is purely for graphics rendering but is cross-platform (DirectX only works with Windows).