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rhizome is a characteristically horizontal stem of a plant that is usually found underground, often sending out roots and shoots from its nodes while root is a part of a plant body that bears no leaves, and therefore also lacks nodes

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Q: How do you distinguish that rhizomes are stem and not root?
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How you distinguish that rhizomes are stems and not roots?

rhizome is a characteristically horizontal stem of a plant that is usually found underground, often sending out roots and shoots from its nodes while root is a part of a plant body that bears no leaves, and therefore also lacks nodes

How do you distinguish rhizome are stem and not root?

Rhizome is a STEM because the young leaves and adventitious roots grow from it.

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Why is ginger called a underground stem?

ginger is called an underground stem or a rhizome because it looks and acts like a root but it is different from a root because it usually grows horizontally. Rhizomes usually produce aerial stems and underground roots from these buds.

What is difference between rhizomes and stem tubers?

rhizomes are underground horizontal stems tubers are enlarged underground stems

What visible part of the fern grows from rhizomes?

The fronds of a fern grow from rhizomes. Rhizomes are underground stems that produce roots below and shoots above the soil. The fronds emerge from the shoots above the soil and are the visible leafy part of the fern.

How do corn and rhizomes differ?

The creeping stem of a grass plant

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Are Tubers and rhizomes part of the root system.?


Is a ginger stem or root?

Ginger is a modified stem. A rhizome to be exact. Its function is reproduction. Rhizomes usually grow underground, vertically, or horizontally. Exceptions to this description however is a clover or mint. I'm actually studying it now and was confused at first too lol.

Beat root is a stem or root?


Is a sprout a stem or a root?

A root. There are turnips and turnip greens the greens is the stem.