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Q: How do you dive 50 feet into the water on how to fly 2?
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How many feet can a beluga whale dive?

50 billioon feet

How deep can a killer whale dive?

Orcas can dive upto a 1,000 feet (304.8m).

What are some real life situations using the integer-50?

If someone loans you 50 dollars, which you then spend, you will owe them 50 dollars which could be represented as you having -50 dollars. If you are at an elevation of 0 feet above sea level, then dive below the water 50 feet, your elevation would be -50 feet.

How far can gannets swim Under the water?

It is believed that they can dive to a depth of 50 feet to capture prey and will swim under water for short distances when pursuing their prey.

What is the minimum surface interval required between a dive for 60 feet for 40 minutes followed by a dive that is 50 feet for 40 minutes?

the answer is 00:28

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What pelican can dive 50 feet in the air to catch its prey?

the brown pelican

How do you clean fly specs?

Hi, You clean fly spec with 50/50 vinegar and water soltion

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What is the final presure group upon surfacing after the following series of dives first dive 50 feet for 23 min surface interval 1.30 second dive 35 feet for 46 min?

The final pressure group you would be in is M.

What is the atmosphere pressure at fifty feet in water?

50 feet of water is about 1.475 atmospheres.

How much feet is Barbados deep water?

40 to 50 feet